Your Post-ICON Action Plan

Your Post-ICON Action Plan to Create Momentum and Growth, and Have Fun!

If you attended the Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM 2024 International Convention, you know what a game-changer event it was, with plenty of action items you can do now to put your UnFranchise® Business on the fast track to success. And a heartfelt thank-you to those who attended — you did yourself, your dreams and your team proud!

Even if you didn’t attend, you should implement the guidance to growth shared at the event by the Corporate Team and featured UnFranchise Owners (UFOs). Here’s how to leverage and maintain the amazing event momentum!

  1. Everyone who attended ICON 2024 received an email after the event concluded, subject: “ICON 2024 survey – help us make the next event our best.” Please take a few minutes to share your feedback with us by completing and submitting the survey. If you somehow missed this email, click here to complete the survey.
  2. Take action on the “Magnet Marketing 10 Connections each week for 10 weeks” social media challenge that CEO and Co-Founder Loren Ridinger issued on stage Saturday morning.
    • Clean up your social media pages. Make sure you have an appealing bio and pin some great posts to the top where applicable.
    • Create your own content or use the social assets developed for you that are loaded into the UnFranchise Marketing App to pique curiosity and engagement.
    • Join groups (online and in person) where you have common interests with people to connect, compliment and build relationships. Search for specific, relevant Facebook groups in your target markets and local area (don’t just join any group), then engage! Start by complimenting other people’s posts (e.g., “Your makeup looks great,” “Wow, you’ve had an amazing transformation,” or “Your recipe sounds healthy and delicious”). Then, share an introductory post about yourself, including why you’re there, who you are and who you hope to become. Remember to be positive yet low-key.
    • Focus on giving a minimum of 10 likes/hearts in your Facebook groups each day and revisiting them as you add more the next day. Be sure to give people genuine compliments!
    • This is a step-by-step natural process of building a relationship. It’s simply about creating a habit of making connections on a daily basis. Some connections develop fast, and others slow. Remember that this will lead to filling the bean jar with higher-quality beans. Each bean (a possibility) knows a minimum of 100 people.  People will lead to more people.
    • Don’t spam people. Edify each other, but never come across as salesy or pushy on another UFO’s post or comment. Imagine what their friends (who don’t know anything about the business) would think of your comment. Just add credibility to them as a great person.
    • As you create 10 connections each week for 10 weeks, it will result in 100 more qualified connections! Please find the Magnet Marketing Accountability Form by clicking > Business > Reports > Magnet Marketing Accountability. Click here to go directly to the form (U.S. only). Fill out and submit this form each week by midnight on Sunday!
  1. Recap ICON 2024 with your team. Share all the key learnings, memorable moments and exciting announcements to ensure each team member is equipped to take their business and themself to the next level.
  2. Get your three tickets to the Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM 2025 Leadership School in Miami, Feb. 27 – March 1, 2025, by clicking here! Leverage the momentum from ICON 2024 to sell tickets to new people over the next two or three weeks. When you are hot = you are hot! Don’t wait to cool off. Use the enthusiasm and belief that you have right now! Share your experience with someone else to expose the business and/or the products. Ensure that all your existing partners have their 2025 Leadership School tickets.
  3. Preorder and promote Loren Ridinger’s bestseller book by clicking here: Scrambled or Sunny-Side Up? With a foreword written by legendary tennis champion Serena Williams, Loren shares her incredible life journey and the story of finding herself again after losing her greatest love.
  4. Please take one minute to upload a great headshot photo of yourself. Click here to upload your picture to your UnFranchise Owner Profile on The image you provide will be used for recognition both in person and in communication assets, so make sure it is an excellent representation of yourself.
  5. Please submit an Isotonix OPC-3® or other favorite Market America product review in the next three days. Visit the product page on your SHOP.COM or, scroll down to “Reviews” and click on “Write A Review.” We encourage you to submit one new product review per week for exclusive Market America products that you use and love!
  6. Focus on qualifying as a Master UFO (click here for the MUFO Report) during the 3rd quarter (July, August, September). This will put you on track to achieving the Chairman’s Challenge. Chairman’s Challenge achievers will receive exclusive access aboard Utopia IV in Miami! (Click here for full details on all the Chairman’s Challenge criteria.)
  7. Be a product of the product! Purchase and enjoy the newly introduced Tower+™ Electrolyte Mix, which was an ICON 2024 favorite! We also announced the new GoTrim Slim Packets and the seasonal return of the GoTrim™ Pumpkin Spice Nutrition Shake. (These three products are U.S.-specific.) The sampling booths at the event were so popular that products were flying off the shelves – just one more reason why you should attend Leadership School!

tower+ Electrolyte Mix


Tower+™ Electrolyte Mix – One Pouch (30 Packets)
Code: 6643 | UC: $28.50 | SR: $39.95 | BV: 18

Buy Now



gotrim slim packets

GoTrim Slim Packets – Single Pouch (10 packs per pouch – 30 servings)
Code: 6642 | UC: $37.50 | SR: $51.95 | BV: 23

Buy Now



gotrim pumpkin spice

GoTrim™ Pumpkin Spice Nutrition Shake – Single Canister (14 Servings)
Code: 6409 | UC: $31.50| SR: $43.95 | BV: 11

Buy Now



If you have already purchased three tickets to Leadership School, simply buy two additional tickets, and you will have satisfied the ticket criteria for the Chairman’s Challenge! BONUS: The value-packed “3 Tickets Plus Exclusive Product Bundle” offer is now extended through Friday, Aug. 30, at 11:59 p.m. ET!


Remember, you must be present to be awarded, so secure your tickets and encourage your teams to do the same. This is a fantastic way to drive engagement and achieve our collective goals!

Don’t forget to mark your calendar to join Loren Ridinger and the team for the ICON 2024 Recap and UFO Monthly Game Plan Zoom Session on Sept. 9 at 9:00 p.m. ET. You’ll hear about major event highlights, exciting announcements and the new monthly objectives. Click here to register!