Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane Update

So by now, I’m sure many of you have caught Market America on the Kimora Lee Simmons show launching Fabulosity at Leadership School in Miami. The great (or should I say fabulous?)thing about Market America being on this show is that it will replay constantly throughout the year. In fact, your next chance to catch the MA episode on the Style network will be tonight at 9:00 pm and again on Friday at 12:00 am, Saturday at 10:30 pm, and Sunday at 4:30 pm. We’ll continue to keep you updated on air times(which can be viewed here as well).

But there’s more good news. If you don’t want to wait to catch it during a scheduled air time, we have posted it on MaTv as the featured video. Be sure to share this link with all those who would be interested in viewing this. If you do a search for “Kimora” you can also view a MA highlight reel of the show and the full Fabulosity product launch in Miami.

Oh, and if you didn’t catch the local article here in Greensboro, there’s more on the relationship with Kimora and what’s to come in the future.
