Growing as a Team at #MAIC2012

Nothing is more powerful than someone’s personal story. When Cheyn Crangle stepped up to talk about his own experiences creating success and building a business, the power of his belief was contagious. As a veteran of the military, he knows that it’s important to act as a team, and that has made all the difference for him. Building as a team, from event to event has enabled him to accomplish things that most people only dream of.

By discussing his own struggles – his issues with becoming a leader and sharing the products with potential customers – he captivated the audience. He has grown his business one day at a time, one step each day. He hit Professional Coordinator in two years, by creating consistency for himself and his team. Highlighting tools like call workshops, Cheyn shared how imperative it is to work together – and to get team members to events. Attending alone is great – but it isn’t enough to create duplication and success.

For Cheyn, what matters most is taking action. “Do something!” he urged. “Do it as a team!”

What are you doing as a team to grow into a hopeless success story?
