Learn from the Best with Sunday Night’s National Conference Call

Join Andrew Weissman, Executive Director of Field Development, along with special guests Cheyn Crangle and Benson Chen as they discuss the newest insights and updates from the 20th Anniversary, 2012 International Convention in Greensboro, NC.

Inform everyone in your organization and especially your qualified prospects to listen in ‘LIVE’ to this special overview into the future of SHOP.COM powered by Market America and the multibillion dollar future with the UnFranchise® Business.

Learn about the new products, services, technology and enhancements. This is a perfect time to establish an UnFranchise Business in order to cash in by getting paid to shop with the thousands of partner stores and millions of products by shopping online during this holiday season.

Don’t miss this powerful national conference call and discover how bright your future is with Shop.com.

Sunday night — August 19th at 8:30 p.m. ET
646.519.5815 pin 1314 #
