Social Media Monday: Sharing Your Favorite Links

The ma Blog team is excited to introduce our new favorite feature – Social Media Mondays! We’ll be sharing our favorite how-tos and top tips for using social media. Whether you’re new to the world of social networking or have been using it for years, we know Social Media Mondays are perfect for you.

Today, we’re excited to tell you about our top way to share your favorite links across social media channels. While you can link to the same website, blog post or product using many different outlets at the same time, it’s important that your message doesn’t become dry or redundant. So, if you want to share your favorite links across Facebook and Twitter without using stale content, remember:

Rethink, rephrase.

For example, if you were browsing Loren’s World and you spotted Loren’s post on six life lessons for every entrepreneur, you might be inspired to share that with your network. After using a link shrinking tool such as to save on some characters, you’re ready to spread the word about this story.

Facebook allows you to utilize more characters than Twitter, so it’s the perfect opportunity to give a little more information about what you’re sharing. It’s also a great place to ask people what they think about the content:

  • “I wish I’d known half of these lessons when I went into business for myself! Would you add anything to this list?
  • “ “Always stay excited about your dream. Your passion will drive your success.” – This life lesson has helped keep me in business for myself! What do you think is the most essential thing entrepreneurs learn?

Twitter only lets you utilize 140 characters to share a story – and some of those are taken up by the link you’re sharing! Maintain a careful count, and think about how you can rephrase your initial message for this outlet – and don’t forget to give credit to your source. What you say may end up shared with their audience, too!

Don’t be afraid to get specific! Pull content concepts out of what you’re sharing, or quote the material, to help intrigue others to check it out for themselves. Sharing content can be hugely beneficial for establishing yourself as a reliable source of quality information or entertainment – both of which can boost people’s confidence in the other content you’re sharing on your network.

Stay tuned! Every Monday we’ll be sharing more of our favorite inside techniques for using social media to grow your business. You can also find out more by checking out our Five Tips to Make Sure You Get the Most out of Your Social Media Accounts.

What would you like to learn how to do?


