Social Media Monday: Sharing Facebook Posts and Products

The ma Blog Team LOVES to share our favorite tips and tricks for building your business – especially when it comes to social media. So, every Monday, we share some of the latest tips, and the answers to our most frequently asked questions. Today we want to talk about how to make sure that when you share product posts on Facebook, you’re directing your Facebook friends to your business.

When you’re scrolling through your newsfeed or browsing Market America’s Facebook Page, you’re treated to the latest news and updates, but you also get to see posts you’ll want to share with your Facebook friends. Facebook’s Share button makes it easy to show your favorite posts to your friends, which is especially perfect when you see posts that promote products and services through SHOP.COM.

First, click the Share button. Facebook will automatically take the original post and format it to post in your timeline (as well as share it into the newsfeeds of your friends). It also gives you the opportunity to say something about what you’re sharing.

Next, add a comment. If what you’re sharing has to do with a product, this is the perfect place to include a link (preferably shrunken through directing your friends to where they can purchase that product – on your SHOP.COM site!

For example, if you wanted to share Market America’s Facebook post promoting Isotonix OPC-3® Beauty Blend, you would:



1. Click “Share” below the post.




2. Enter a comment in the comment block – and be sure to include a link to your SHOP.COM site! For example, you might write something like “This is one of my must-haves, and this month, $2 of every bottle sold supports the fight against breast cancer. Have you tried it?



3. Click “Share Photo” to post this image – and your comment including your link – in your timeline. Your friends will see it in their newsfeeds, and will know right where they can go to get the product they see.


Photos generate some of the most engagement on Facebook, so it’s essential that you’re posting and sharing them. Taking advantage of Market America’s regular product posts can help you create interest, increased traffic, and lifelong customers. It’s just three simple steps to turn a post that catches your eye into a post that builds your business. Start sharing today!

Stay tuned! Every Monday we’ll be sharing more of our favorite inside techniques for using social media to grow your business. If you’re craving more tips, check out last week’s post where we showed you how to retweet without leading your customers to the wrong site.

Tell us – what is your favorite product post from our Facebook page?
