Five Ways to Skip Sore Stomachs (After Halloween!)

Trick or treating is full of fun, laughter, spooks and candy. It’s an all-time favorite kid holiday! While your children might be amazed by their candy loot at the end of the night, parents are often less thrilled. How can you keep your kids healthy and tummyache-free after Halloween? Read on for our tips:

Be prepared. Becaues your child’s health is important to you, you’re probably already giving them Might-A-Mins® Spectrum Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes. Giving them the supplements that they need will help to prepare them for Halloween treats. It also helps support digestion, which can help keep stomachaches at bay. It’s good practice all of the time, but it’s especially important with food-heavy holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving!

Divide and conquer. Explain to your kids that you’ll be dividing up their candy at the end of the day and allowing them a certain amount at a time until it runs out. They won’t be thrilled, but remind them that it’s better than no candy at all! One way to divide is to use small sandwich bags. Parcel out the candy into seven bags for a week (more or less bags depending on how much candy you have). If you want to be sneaky, make an eighth bag for yourself! Allow them one bag a day after dinner. If you have 4 or 5 small candies in the bag, it’s a perfect portion that your kids will love.

Eat it all. In sharp contrast to our second tip, some believe that it’s best to initially let kids eat as much of their candy as they want.  Once they feel what it’s like to have a sugar crash followed by a stomach ache, they won’t be anxious to eat tons of candy again! Is this a great lesson to teach your kids or does it do more harm than good? We want to know what you think! If you go this route, make sure you have your Might-A-Mins Spectrum Probiotics on hand!

Strike a deal. Teach your kids to be business savvy like you by challenging them to exchange their candy for something they want more. Perhaps your deal will be if they give up their candy they can see a movie at the theater or take a family bowling trip. Kids are clever and it might be fun to find out their demands. You might also prefer the “tooth fairy” method where they leave their candy out for the candy fairy and get money in return.

Do you let your kids eat to their heart’s content or do your ration their candy?  How do you prevent sore stomachs? Tell us in the comments below!
