Building Your United Kingdom Business with Seminars

Excitement in the United Kingdom is at an all-time high – in no small part due to Dennis Franks’ recent travels there, and Loren Ridinger’s upcoming visit. On October 27, British UnFranchise® Owners got to experience a special treat: a Special Business Building Seminar led by Mr. Energy himself! How can an SBBS help your business take off across the ocean?

Special Business Building Seminars are specially planned to help support and accelerate business growth. By tackling the UnFranchise Business Plan in a hands-on, informative way, these Seminars can get you thinking about your business in a whole new way. In a new market like the UK, these Seminars are a key way to teach individuals how to successfully implement and grow their businesses.

Dennis Franks specializes in energizing business owners and their prospective partners. During October 27’s SBBS, he presented ambitious Independent Shop Consultants with new ways to approach their businesses and achieve their goals. His expertise and proven track record of success led the way for these business owners, helping them to better understand and master the concepts of the UnFranchise Business System.

By getting your Market United Kingdom business partners in front of Dennis Franks or another industry leader at one of these Special Business Building Seminars, you can leverage their knowledge and expertise to motivate and encourage your partners. You don’t have to spend that time personally coaching them or teaching them how to run their business. You can get them excited and help them become knowledgeable about the business in a perfectly duplicable way!

This Special Business Building Seminar was just one play contributing to continuous growth overseas. Are you getting your international business partners in the right places at the right time?

Tell us how you support your team long distance – whether it’s in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Mexico, or the United Kingdom!
