Thanksgiving: The Perfect Time to Share Your Business

Thanksgiving brings families together to share in gratitude and thankfulness and, of course, to eat food! As an UnFranchise® Business Owner, this holiday is the perfect time to share what you do with those who matter most. How do you bring up the subject of business while at the dinner table? Read on for our tips:


Take Action
Talking about Market America products is great, but showing them in action is even better! Before you sit down for dinner, don’t forget to take your Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics. If you take them in front of your family members, chances are they’ll ask you what they are and what they’re for! It’s the perfect time to share with them the importance of our Isotonix line!

Enter the Conversation
Conversation during family dinners usually leads to work anyway, so make sure that your voice is heard! When Uncle John asks you what you’ve been doing lately, it’s a prime opportunity to share your excitement over the latest items you’re selling (Opuvita™, Prime™ Vision, etc.). New products are what’s new in your world, so make sure to share them!

Pay Attention
Pay close attention to the conversations going on between family members. There are likely many opportunities for you to talk business without being overbearing. Did you notice your niece putting on lip gloss after dinner? Show her the latest Motives® catalog. Is your mother-in-law complaining about a lack of energy this holiday season? Talk to her about Isotonix Activated B-Complex!

Remember: no limits!
Though there are certainly ways to work Market America products into Thanksgiving dialog, don’t forget about SHOP.COM! Any time a customer purchases something through your Portal, you’re earning money! Find a way to work your SHOP.COM purchases into the conversation. Did you purchase your dishes or silverware on SHOP.COM? How about your Thanksgiving table decorations, furniture, or appliances? Mention that you got them on SHOP.COM with Cashback and your family members will want to know how they, too, can earn money for their purchases.

These are just a few of the many ways to incorporate business into your family holiday time. What do you think? Do you have a great tip for getting your family excited and invested in your business? Leave a comment and tell us how you got your family interested!
