Pay it Forward for World Conference 2013

In October, we announced the Pay it Forward campaign here on the ma Blog. It’s a great opportunity to share the business with newcomers or hardworking members of your team who need a little extra help to be able to make it to World Conference in Miami this winter. It’s also an easy way to bring along prospects so they can get the feel for the business. How does it work? It’s simple!


SHOP.COM‘s eGifts tool allows you to purchase a World Conference ticket and send it to someone else! This page breaks down the simple steps to complete the transaction and gift a ticket to a deserving entrepreneur.

Once you’ve purchased a ticket for someone, remind your other business partners to do the same! Paying it forward is a simple way to help others in the same way that you were helped when you began your UnFranchise® Business.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be using the hashtag #PayItForward to start a conversation on Twitter about this great campaign. Join us by tweeting how you’re going to pay it forward by doing kind deeds for individuals in your Market America family.

Share the love, pay it forward, and we’ll see you all in Miami!
