5 Ways to Relax this Holiday Season

The hustle and the bustle of the holidays can be fun, but tiring! If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your to-do list or exhausted from party planning or gift shopping, here are 5 simple ways to relax and recharge for the busy days ahead:


Read a book (for fun!)
You may be used to reading work reports, school-assigned texts, or other snooze-worthy books. Take a break for an hour or so and read something fun!  The Great Gatsby is our pick and it’s available on SHOP.COM!

Get some Bliss™
Bliss™ Anti-Stress Formula helps you to relax without making you sleepy. It’s specially designed to enhance mood and increase mental clarity.

Work on your hobby
What’s your favorite hobby? Scrapbooking? Coin collecting? Origami? Set aside a little bit of time during your day to do something you enjoy that’s not related to work, family, or the holidays. Do something for you!

Take a bubble bath
It may sound silly, but we promise it’s the ultimate in relaxation! If you’re skeptical about bubble baths, we’re sure a hot shower will be just as calming. Don’t forget your Royal Spa®!

Treat yourself
If you’re feeling stressed, take a moment to treat yourself- small or large, anything will do! Maybe you’ve had your eye on the perfect scarf– buy it! Want a quick cat nap one afternoon- take one! Do something nice to reward yourself for your hard work.

How do you relax when you’re stressed to the max? Any tips to share? Leave ’em below!

