My Dog Ate My Blog… and Other Poor Excuses

The New Year is among us, which means a time for reflection and new beginnings. This time provides an opportunity to analyze the baggage that weighed us down over the past year, whether in the form of unhealthy habits or our own fears. In the New Year, don’t make excuses! Make strides!

When you look back on 2012, do you see anything you wish you had done differently, or is there anything you wish you did that you didn’t? Here are a few things to consider starting the New Year off with a successful foot:

Make New Year’s decisions, not New Year’s Resolutions. Resolving to good ideas for the future leaves room for reservation. Making a decision means taking action today. Willingness and determination are measured in footwork, not wordplay.

Time is not unlimited. Remember the old adage “Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today”? The world never stops turning and won’t slow down so that you may catch up. Sooner or later, the tomorrows will pass by. Stop making a list and resolving to “get around to it.” Make a list and check it off.

There IS enough time, however. How many ideas did you have last year, but said “I just don’t have the time”? Keep a journal for one week, documenting how much time you spend on each task. Where do you waste time that could be useful? Readjust your schedule and begin by taking 15 minutes each day to invest in an activity you thought you didn’t have time for. See how quickly you can enrich your life.

Eliminate “can’t” from your vocabulary – a no brainer for entrepreneurs. Putting limits on your abilities puts limits on your success. Instead of looking at what doesn’t work, look for solutions. Remember what Picasso said that JR reminds us: “I am always doing things I cannot do so that I may learn how to do them.”

Ask for help. When you faced situations where you said “I can’t,” did you ask someone who can? Dr. Hunter S. Thompson said “No man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.” Make use of the experience from those before and above you. You can find it everywhere, like on this blog for example!

Spend it to make it. Take it from the testimonials: events like World Conference and training seminars make or break success. Our mission is to make your financial dreams come true, which is why we put together events that provide the tools and resources valuable to your business. Each opportunity you miss to grow your business adds to the time it will take to grow your business.

What decisions have you made for the New Year? Have you noticed any excuses in your life that you’re ready to eliminate?
