5 Tips for Keeping your New Year’s Resolutions

Everybody makes them, but few people keep them. What am I talking about? New Year’s resolutions, of course! Whether you aim to get healthier, expand your business, or learn a new skill in the new year, mapping out how you will stick to your resolutions will be the key to your success. Need some ideas for where to start? Here’s our top 5 favorite tips for sticking to New Year’s resolutions!

  1. Think habits, not goals
    Think of a resolution as a good habit that you “resolve” to incorporate into your daily life, not something that you will stop once you accomplish a short-term goal. When making New Year’s resolutions, it’s helpful to consider lifestyle changes you can make that will help you achieve your goals and be a part of your lifestyle for years to come. Be honest with yourself! If you can’t envision keeping the resolution a year from now, it’s very unlikely you will. Set yourself up for success by choosing a resolution that incorporates small, sustainable changes and positive habits into your current lifestyle

2. Create a Resolution Road Map
You are most likely to fail if your resolutions are vague and don’t come with a plan. In order to keep a resolution, create a “resolution road map . To do this, be as specific as possible about what you want to do and write it down. Then, break it down into specific, measurable steps you will take to get there. This will help make your resolution more manageable while providing you with a road map you can refer to along the way (in case you get lost, of course!).

3. Give yourself deadlines
To get started and keep yourself on track, it’s important to give each step associated with your resolution a reasonable deadline. By doing this, you will find that it’s easier to incorporate small tasks associated with each step into your daily life.

4. Get support
Don’t keep your resolutions to yourself! Make sure to tell the people you are closest to about your resolution and ask for their support. Even if they have no experience with what you are trying to accomplish, they will help keep you accountable for your actions and support you when you encounter challenges.

5. Find a mentor
Learning from another person and their road to success will help guide and inspire you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone who has “been there, done that” and ask for guidance. Most people will feel flattered that you respect their experience and expertise and be more than willing to help.

Now it’s your turn: comment below with your favorite tips and tricks to sticking to your resolutions throughout the year!
