5 Great Apps to Use at World Conference 2013

Have you heard? The 2013 Market America World Conference is just a few weeks away! When preparing for this jam-packed, fast paced event, don’t forget to load your smart phone or tablet with apps that will help keep you organized, on schedule, and in the know during your time in Miami. Need some suggestions on where to start? Here are 5 great apps to add to your home screen before heading off to MAWC 2013.

Trip it
TripIt is a free app that stores all your trip details in one place so you can access them with or without an internet connection. In addition to keeping your flight details and hotel arrangement at your fingertips, TripIt features daily weather updates and maps for your destination, a location-based search function to find hotels and restaurants, and event lets you share your itinerary with other individuals via email or across your social media channels. The free version  of this app is great for the average traveler, but they also offer users the option to purchase an ad-free version that includes additional features like flight tracking and travel reminders.

TripIt for iPhone

TripIt for Android

If you haven’t heard of Evernote until now, you’ve been missing out! Named one of the Top 10 Must-Have Apps by The New York Times, Evernote is free to download that allows you to take notes, capture photos, create to-do lists, and record voice reminders – all of which you can save, search, share, and sync across all your devices. Want to capture the information on a slide during a presentation at MAWC 2013? Snap a picture, insert it into Evernote, and jot down a few notes to jog your memory later on. Evernote is available for Smartphones, Tablets, desktop computers, and even accessible through the web, so no matter where you are, you can always access your information!

Evernote for iPhone

Evernote for Android 

Alarm Clock
Imagine this: it’s the morning of the first day of MAWC 2013. Your team agreed to meet at the convention center bright and early to snag the best seats. Except, when you wake up, you find that you overslept by several hours and your team went in without you. Don’t let this happen to you! Make sure to download a reliable alarm clock app and – here’s the key – learn how it works before you hit the hay the night before Day 1. There are dozens of alarm clock apps out there, but the key is to find a reliable app with with features that fit your needs. Here’s two we think you might like:

Alarm Clock HD Free for iPhone

Alarm Clock Extreme Free for Android 

Social Media Apps
Social media is going to be a HUGE part of MAWC 2013, so if you haven’t downloaded Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram on your phone yet, do it now! The Social Media Team will be posting updates in real time to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram during the event, and we want you to join in the conversation! Make sure to tweet using the official hashtag #MAWC2013, tag your Instagram photos with #MAWC2013, and share photos or your favorite MAWC 2013 moments with us on our Facebook Page.

Facebook for iPhone

Twitter for iPhone

Instagram for iPhone 

Facebook for Android

Twitter for Android

Instagram for Android

Awesome Note
Once all is said and done, make sure that you take what you learned at MAWC 2013 and use it to build your business! To stay on track after you leave Miami, use Awesome Note to create a plan of action and start working towards your goals. This app boasts a combination of user-friendly features like an interactive agenda, short and long term goal-setting, to-do lists, note taking, task reminders, multimedia integration, and the ability to sync everything with Evernote. Awesome Note is only available for iPhone, but Android users can find most of these features in an app called egoTimer.

Awesome Note for iPhone ($3.99)

egoTimer for Android (3.99)

Now it’s your turn! When attending a big event like Market America World Conference 2013, what are the apps you can’t live without?? Tell us in the comments below!
