Bringing Hope to the Hopeless

Part of what makes Market America and SHOP.COM so special is our commitment to helping entrepreneurs around the world unlock their potential and make their dreams a reality. It’s what motivates me and drives me to succeed on a daily basis. But it seems that in today’s economy, many people have given up on pursuing their dreams.


I recently came across this interesting article from CNN, which discusses the large number of Americans who have essentially given up hope of ever landing a job. Known as “hopelessly unemployed,” nearly three million Americans want a job, but have quit searching for one – something I find simply stunning.

Is this not still the land of opportunity? Is this not a place where you can work hard and build a better life? I believe it still is. In fact, I feel that now more than ever it is important for us as Americans to embrace the entrepreneur that lies within each and every one of us – and to come together to build a better future for us all.

This great nation was founded on hard work and ingenuity, and it is the entrepreneurs who drive the economy and help bring success and prosperity to others. Right now, many Americans feel discouraged about their chances for success in this economy, but you always have a chance for success with the UnFranchise® business.

It’s never too late to change your life and start building your future with your UnFranchise business. Visit today to find out more about this amazing opportunity, and become a hopeless success!
