Product Spotlight: Prime™ Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula

The countdown to MAWC2013 is closing it at 20 days and we can’t wait to see you there! Every year we hear of the most innovative and creative methods for selling the ma® brand. As a preview to the wealth of experience you’ll hear in Miami and to further your continuing success, we bring to you “tips from the top”: a weekly spotlight on which products are selling best and who is making the big sales!

This week’s product Prime™ Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula and our star distributor is Independent Distributor Somprasong Rattanamonkhoune, a Gen Y engineer for IBM,  introduced to introduced to Market America by a coworker. He instantly fell in love with the business, the people, and the products. Somp said his business took flight after his first International Convention in Greensboro, NC when he heard JR put the Market America dream in a perspective that made sense to him.


MA: Who do you sell Prime™ Astaxanthin to? Who are your best customers? Do you have a large Gen Y customer base?

SR: I sell Prime Astaxanthin to people ranging from Gen Y to Baby Boomers. As to my best customers, I would say that belongs to my family. We all want the best for our love ones and nothing is better than Market America products! Of course, I am my own best customer too! No negative products in this house.

 MA: What aspects about Prime™ Astaxanthin attract the most customers? What selling points do you use? What do you find they LOVE about nutraMetrix when you show them?

SR: In the information age, people use electronics, TVs, and computers all day. So for me, I would say what attracts the most customers is that Astaxanthin has vision health support benefits and is a super antioxidant with cardiovascular support.* I just have to listen to their problems and truly care for them, and then the product sells itself.

MA: Are there any times or events in a month that provide more opportunity to sell Prime™ Astaxanthin than others? Are holidays big selling times? Why?

SR: I would say any day of the year is a great day to sell such an awesome product but for me personally, I sell more after attending General Product Training. I get so excited about hearing and learning about the benefits of our products that I start talking to everyone and checking to make sure all my customers are well stocked.

 MA: What types of environments produce the best sales? Parties, events, etc,? What about specific environments and channels, like social media? Are you on all social media channels, even LinkedIn?

SR: Parties are a great environment for moving products. I love educating people about supporting their health. We all have one life, so why not help ensure that we live a long and healthy one? I am currently on all the major social media channels including LinkedIn. I think all these social channels are great for leveraging but for me personally, even though I am a Gen Y, I also love the one to one aspect. Talking to people face to face truly builds that relationship, that bond.

How do you convince that Prime™ Astaxanthin is the better way to take your vitamins?

SR: It’s not so much about convincing but about finding out what they are looking for. It also comes down to getting the product knowledge and sharing it. When I learned about the fact that Astaxanthin has powerful antioxidants after a general product training, I called up my customers and told them, “I know you love your OPC-3 and I do too but I found a powerful antioxidant that you should take along with your OPC-3.” I believe I sold 20 bottles that very night

Are you going to MAWC2013? Have you ever gone to the conventions or conferences? What do you learn from them?

SR: My first event was in Miami. It was an eye opener and overwhelming the first time and last year, at my second, it was also overwhelming because I had the honor and privilege to meet JR by winning the Presidents Challenge. It is truly life changing to experience this business, to see the entrepreneurial spirit and know you have found home. So yes, I will be attending MAWC2013. I can’t wait! By attending, everyone has the opportunity to learn where we are going as a company and what we have to offer. Nothing beats hearing the excitement from JR and Marc Ashley and sharing it with thousands of people. To share in that entrepreneurial spirit is something everyone should experience firsthand!

Finally, why do you love Prime™ Astaxanthin ®?!

I love all the benefits offered but the one aspect I love the most is the vision health support. I’ve been taking Astaxanthin from when the product first came out.

Was Somp’s experience useful to you? How often do you conduct demonstrations when selling Prime®?


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

