Product Spotlight: Ultimate Aloe™

Holy smokes, y’all! MAWC 2013 is LESS THAN TWO WEEKS AWAY! Less than two weeks until the release of new products and a plethora of the most innovative and creative methods for selling the ma® brand! As a preview to the wealth of experience you’ll hear in Miami and to further your continuing success, we bring to you tips from the top: a weekly spotlight on which products are selling best and who is making the big sales!

This week’s product Ultimate Aloe™ and our star distributor is Karen G!

MA: Who do you sell Ultimate Aloe™ to? Who are your best customers? Do you have a large Gen Y customer base?

KG: Most of my customers are generated from internet sales, as well as friends and relatives.  I work full time as a consultant, so I try to use every spare minute working and learning more about Market America, planning on making this my full time job someday. Also, I try to follow up with call after deliveries arrive for online sales to find out how they like the product and what else I can help with.

MA:  What aspects about Ultimate Aloe™ attract the most customers? What selling points do you use? What do you find they LOVE about Ultimate Aloe™ when you show them?

KG: The aspects of Ultimate Aloe™ that people love are that it supports a healthy immune system, healthy digestion & supports normal healing.* It is a healthier alternative than soda, sugary juices or water, and it tastes good. An added bonus includes being lower in calories. My daughter-in-law (who is Gen Y) is also a health care professional and just LOVES it as well. I personally use and promote the Strawberry Kiwi Flavor liquid serving it chilled, and I always carry some with me.

MA: Are there any times or events in a month that provide more opportunity to sell Ultimate Aloe™ than others? Are holidays big selling times? Why?

KG: When opportunities arise, I try to listen to what people say and then bring up healthy alternatives in conversation.  I always have samples so I can share product and the benefits.

MA: Are you going to MAWC2013? Have you ever gone to the conventions or conferences? What do you learn from them?

I am not able to attend MAWC2013 this year, but do try to attend as many meetings and conferences as possible. There is just so much to learn and so much offered, it is overwhelming at times. I try to order something new each month, try it, LOVE it, and then share on my blog, personal e-mail, through text, and Facebook,  I just got my first iPhone, so I’m learning more about social media on a daily basis and applying my new knowledge as I discover. I recently attended a WebEx and learned more about Prime™ Astaxanthin. This will be on my next transfer buy to try.

How are your Ultimate Aloe™ sales? Did Karen’s experience help you?


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
