Join me at World Conference 2013

Market America World Conference 2013 is only a week away and everyone at the Corporate office is busy preparing for one of the biggest events we have ever had. I’m so excited to share with all of you the incredible advances we’ve made in the past 6 months!

From the amazing products we will debut to newest, most exciting innovations, we’ve been working hard to merge new technology with the same basic fundamental tasks and activities that have remained the same for 20 years. So one question remains: have you purchased your ticket to MAWC 2013 yet?

If you have, you can look forward to a jam-packed event that will teach you how to build your business faster, bigger, and better than ever before. But if you haven’t, my question to you is: what are you waiting for?

By purchasing a ticket to MAWC 2013, you are investing in the success of your business and building your belief. Belief in yourself, in the system, and in your team is so important because it helps push you through despite any roadblocks or closed doors you encounter. Your ticket to MAWC 2013 is your key to unlocking the door to your success – take it!

I am looking forward to learning and growing with all of you next week at World Conference 2013!
