Must-Have Items for MAWC 2013

When packing your bags and getting organized for World Conference, consider the following information. A well thought out strategy can help you avoid leaving important items behind. Our social media team put together a list of the top 10 most important items you will need for  MAWC 2013:

1. Your MAWC 2013 Ticket – Check several times before leaving that you have it!

2.  Comfortable shoes and clothes – Warm weather and a lot of walking will mean you’ll want to be as comfortable as possible both indoors and out.

3.  Camera – Document the fun, the friends you made and the conference experience.

4.  Cell phone/Smartphone – Not only will you need a way to communicate, but it also a handy device when you need to update Facebook and Twitter about #MAWC2013!

5.  Business cards – This is a great opener for networking and makes it simple to share your information with colleagues.

6.  Bring your checkbook and/or credit card – While you’re at World Conference you’ll want to make sure to get your tickets to the 2013 International Convention.

7.  Things to write and take notes – Pens, paper, a tablet computer, anything you might need to capture the information you will learn during MAWC 2013.

8.  Your Distributor ID# – There will be opportunities to take advantage of conference specials!

9.  Sweater or lightweight jacket – While it does tend to stay warm in South Florida, it can be a bit chilly in the evening and in the arena.

10. Leave room in your suitcase for Market America gear/promotional clothing and accessories.

 What’s in your suitcase?
