Social Media Monday: Getting Started With MeetON

Have you heard? JR Ridinger and Andrew Weissman are hosting a live event on MeetON tonight about our Global Expansion! But wait, what was that you just said? You haven’t registered for MeetON yet?! Then you’ve been missing out on all the excitement, my friend! This is the perfect time to register on the site! Here are a few tips and tricks to get you started.

Where do I register?

To register as a viewer on MeetON, you can sign up here:

You will be prompted to complete a registration form, upload a profile photo, and list some of your interests. Once you have registered as a Viewer, you will be able to watch  pre-recorded videos and live-streaming content for free, as well as purchase exclusive content that you can’t see anywhere else! How cool is that!?

What is the difference between a Live Event and a Pre-Recorded video?

When you visit your MeetON homepage, you will see videos labeled “Coming Soon,” “Latest Celebrity Videos” and “Latest MeetON Demand Videos”. First, check out the videos labeled “Coming Soon”; these are live broadcasts that will begin at the time indicated on the ticker at the bottom of the event image. Afraid you will forget to tune into an event when it goes live? Simply click the “remind me” button to add the broadcast to your calendar.

Once you have become familiar with the Live Event videos, mosey on down to the “Latest Celebrity Videos” and “Latest MeetON Demand Videos”. These include videos of live events that have already passed and pre-recorded videos uploaded by MeetON Broadcasters. Since these are not live events, each video is labeled with Duration and Price (if applicable) instead of a countdown ticker.

How do I share MeetOn videos on my favorite social networks?

Ok, so you’ve created an awesome profile, uploaded a great profile picture, and have familiarized yourself with the Live Event and Pre-Recorded videos. Now I bet you want to share all this amazing content with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and via email, right? Great! Here’s how to do it:

Click on a Live Event or Pre-Recorded Video, and then click the “Share” icon. A drop-down menu will appear with a list of the top social networks you can use to share the video. Select your favorite social network, or choose the “More” category to see additional social networks (all 337 of them!) you can share the video on.

Can I interact with other MeetON Users and add them as Friends?

Absolutely! That’s what makes MeetON so unique; every Broadcaster and Viewer has an Add Friend button on their profile. That means you can add everyone from your best friend to your favorite celebrities to your Friends list! Can you think of a better way to keep up with the daily lives of your favorite celebs and friends all in one place?

If you want to message a Friend directly, simply navigate to their profile and scroll down to the message box on the right. Type your message, click submit, and wait patiently (or impatiently) for them to send you one back. Pretty neat, isn’t it?

Now that you have all the tools you need to make the most out of your MeetON experience, we want to hear from you! How do you plan on using MeetON to build your business this year? Post your answer in the comment section below, and don’t forget to tune in tonight at 8 pm for the live Global Unification MeetON event!
