Social Media Monday: Top Social Media Stories on the Web

Happy Social Media Monday, UnFranchise® Owners! Have you ever thought, “man, I wish I could stay on top of all the social media news and most recent developments,” but don’t have enough time to comb through all the information on the world wide web? You’re in luck! For today’s blog post, we scoured the internet for the best social media-related news and posts that are relevant to you.

Tweet to Buy

Last week, Twitter and American Express announced a new partnership that will allow Amex card holders to make purchases via Twitter. The program will begin with a variety of discounted products, all of which you can purchase by tweeting a specific hashtag. Is this the social shopping trend of the future? Read up on it here: Twitter and Amex Let You Pay With a Hashtag

Facebook Facts and Figures

Mobile and revenue were up for Facebook in the last quarter. Want to find out what else has been going on with the social network giant? Get 10 of the latest facts, figures and statistics about Facebook here: 10 of the Latest Facts, Figures, and Statistics About Facebook

The 3 “W”s of Social Media

Have you decided to start using social media more to grow your UnFranchise® business? Great! But before you dive right in, have you figured out what your three “W”s are? Here’s a great article to get you started: The 3 “W”s of Social Media

Image Sizing For Your Social Media Sites

Have you ever uploaded a photo to Facebook or Google+, only to find out that your image was the wrong size for the platform? No worries, we all have done it. Here’s a great social media image size cheat sheet so you never have to run into that problem again! How To Size Images on Social Media

What the Hashtag?

Still wondering what people use #Hashtags for on Twitter? You’re not alone! Check out this great article published last week on Social Media Today about hashtags and why this little symbol holds so much power. #Hashtag Power

TELL US: What would you like to see us feature in a future Social Media Monday post? Comment below!
