Lenny Dykstra Names Market America as a Company to Watch

I grew up watching Lenny Dykstra dive after line drives in center field and turning singles into doubles by sliding head first into second base. He was known as “nails” for his all out approach to playing the game.

Today, Dykstra is long removed from his baseball career and is an extremely successful business mogul, stock market analyst, and columnist. It’s rare for Dykstra to evaluate private companies, but that’s just what he did on page two of this article on the popular financial website thestreet.com. The excerpt about Market America is below.

“In this column, I typically talk only about stocks that I like, but I am going to go a bit off-topic and talk about a private company that I really like. You should check out Market America. This Web site is big-league, and if it ever goes public, I will definitely give it a long hard look.

The company calls itself a “product brokerage and Internet marketing company.” It says it specializes in one-to-one marketing. It’s a one-stop-shopping destination for nearly anything you might want to buy. It has more than 3 million customers and 160,000 distributors all around the world.

The numbers? This company has generated more than $2.4 billion in retail sales and has more than 500 employees around the world. It has operations in the U.S., Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Australia. This is a major league company on the way up.”
