Home Business Presentations: The Key to Your Success

Let’s start off by setting the tone right away – building this business in the homes should be considered a Market America law. Many things have changed since the early 90’s when Market America burst onto the scene. Technology has improved, networking has gotten easier and long gone are the days of sending in paperwork.  But one thing that will never change is building home-to-home, city-to-city, and state-to-state. 

Now, I am not saying that one-on-ones aren’t effective and that the only way you can build a successful business is by doing every meeting in the home. However, I am telling you that in order to achieve massive momentum, set proper duplication and create a BV generating machine, you will need to do them.

Alright, now that we have established that Home Business Presentations are non-negotiable, let’s go over some tips on how to do them effectively:

The meeting must be done in a new person’s home. I often hear people say, “Cheyn, don’t worry, I host a HBP at my place every week. This takes the pressure off others.”  What?! We want pressure on the new person! You might as well call your HBP a UBP.  The psychology behind it is important.  The new person will only bring one or two people to your house, but when it’s in THEIR house they must make many phone calls and feel the pressure of making it a packed event.  This is a good thing, trust me.

Keep all distractions and problems at home.  If the event is open to other business owners on your team and their guests (hint hint), make sure they are coached ahead of time to leave ALL negative circumstances at home. There is nothing worse than a room full of guests and a UnFranchise® owner who had a bad day, is complaining about his job, and having one of his guests rescheduling and ‘hoping’ this business works.  Shut them up or kick them out.

Start on time. I learned this from Jim Winkler; it doesn’t matter who your guests are, you must be respectful of the people who came on time and start on time no matter what.

Have fun and encourage or push new business owners to hold the clicker.  They used to say, “He who holds the marker makes the money.”  We’ve moved forward a couple years and now it’s the clicker.  Let them gain posture and confidence by sharing our business plan.

It’s all about the guests. As soon as the meeting is over, go and talk to the guests immediately. This is not the time to go and talk with other UnFranchise® owners or socialize with friends. Focus on their needs, ask good questions, and if they’re not ready to become a business owner set up a follow-up for within the next 24-48 hours.

I challenge everyone reading this to go and book one Home Business Presentation in someone’s home who you’ve personally sponsored for within the next 10 days.  If you haven’t personally sponsored anyone yet do it in your home.  If a senior business partner can’t help you with it, do it yourself, take ownership of your business and be proud to represent our company.  Remember, you put your stamp of approval on this business. If it’s good enough for you it should be good enough for anyone you know. Have fun and build in the homes!

Now it’s your turn; comment below and let me know how your HBP went, I would love to hear about your experience!
