Social Media Monday: Questions About MeetON

Have you heard? MeetON is a huge hit! If you have had the opportunity to tune into a Live Meet or watch one of the prerecorded videos, that’s great! We’re glad to have you on the site with us. But if you haven’t, I think I know what’s holding you back…and more importantly, how to fix it.

First, take a look at what Person A and Person B are saying about MeetON. Once you have selected the one that sounds more like you, read our response to the concerns they have about MeetON below.

Person A: I really want to watch this cool-looking video on MeetON, but it says I have to register first, and I don’t wanna register because filling out forms online is annoying/stupid/boring.

First thing’s first: if you want to watch any of the videos on MeetON, whether they are prerecorded or Live Meets, you must – let me repeat, must register as a user on the site. You have to be a member of the site in order to access the content. But before you get your knickers in a knot about having to take 5 whole minutes to set up your user account, think about this: when you sign up for MeetON, not only will you have unlimited access to exclusive content you can’t get anywhere else, but you will also have access to a growing network of MeetON users, many of which are celebrities and other well-known figures! It only takes a few minutes to register, and once you’re done, you’re in!

Person B: I registered for MeetON, but when I clicked on a video the site won’t let me watch it. This is stupid!

Alright, let’s backtrack for a second. Let’s say you just finished registering for the site, so you click “home” to visit to the homepage. Once you’re there, you select a video from the first few rows of thumbnails to watch. But instead of loading a video screen, a webpage pops up that displays an image of the video with some text that describes what the video is about (see image below). You don’t pay much attention to the date and time stamp above the image because you’re too distracted by the buttons on the right of your screen labeled with “Share”, “Remind Me”, and “Download to Your Calendar”.

You may not have realized it, but when you were browsing MeetON’s homepage you selected to view a video in the “coming soon” category.  Videos in this category are not available to view yet because they are Live Meets that haven’t aired yet. To view a Live Meet when it airs, you have two options: you can tune into MeetON during the time indicated on the timestamp, OR you can watch the video on MeetON after the Live Meet has ended. Keep in mind that if you choose the second option, the video will no longer be listed in the “coming soon” category, but it’s easy enough to find the video by typing the title of the video into the search bar.

So, who did you identify with: Person A or Person B? Regardless of which option you selected, I hope this helped clear up your confusion and made you even MORE excited about MeetON! If you still have questions about how to use MeetON , please post them in the comments below!
