From Struggle to Success: The Story of TLS® Coach Courtney Mills

I remember feeling like a prisoner,” Courtney Mills, TLS® Find Your Fit coach and current participant, said about her health before finding TLS.  “I was trapped in my own body. I dreaded taking off my uniform to put on civilian clothes because nothing fit. I wouldn’t look at the mirror when I walked past because I hated what I saw.”

Mills was active duty Army for ten years, a new mother, and miserable. Her health plagued her lifestyle for years and every attempt she made to change fell short. Her best efforts at creating the shadow of a maintainable lifestyle failed to produce any lasting results.

Two years ago, Mills gave birth to her son, sending her weight management issues out of control. She quickly gained more weight and developed severe health issues, including hyperthyroidism.

“I was destined to be overweight, according to the doctors,” Mills said.

At her most desperate moment, Mills ran into Terry White at her gym. White was a Transitions trainer and taught Mills about what is now TLS, and a new way to live.

After a life time of struggle, Mills lost fifty lbs. within five months and kept the weight off one year later. She became a certified TLS Coach and coached several clients in the second Find Your Fit Challenge.

TLS taught Mills several small but monumental pieces of information about healthy living as she learned how to kick bad habits and make new ones.

“I work in a really large aviation brigade and there are a lot of civilians at training brigade (about a thousand positions)… I have a high profile position and am one of the only females, so people noticed, and asked how I did it.”

Eager to carry the message, Mills found the Find Your Fit Challenge and became a coach.

“I love the Challenge because it offers nutritional education, daily coaching and the  most effective supplements to get people to their goals as quickly as possible.””

Mills began by coaching 13 people, some local and some not.  Every Monday, Mills’ clients knew she would visit and that they would weigh in and a give a 15 minute synopsis about what to do the next week.

As a coach, she focused on keeping her clients’ eyes on the prize, which meant that she had to get inside their comfort zones and pull them out.

When they started training, she asked them to write down their “Why?” Did they want to fit into a certain dress or look the part for an event?

One of Mills’ clients performed local music and was filmed on occasion. The client’s “Why?” Mills said, was to be able to watch the videos and not think “Oh God, who is that?”

Mills heard every excuse known to man, she said. “One day, people will tell you their goals and the next day, they’ll have a soda. I would say ‘Do you really have to have that soda? Is it bringing you closer to life or death?’”

Sometimes she used short term motivation, tackling events and holidays one step at a time.

“I went to the same [holiday] potlucks and ate completely on menu and it didn’t affect my weight. Some had to avoid those events because they weren’t there mentally, but I told them that it was just temporary and later, when they’re enjoying a healthy lifestyle, they can enjoy an indulgence.”

One client has two sons. She cooked meals for her sons and separate, healthy meals for herself. Despite the temptations and occasion for indulgence, the mother lost six lbs. over the holidays and 46 lbs. overall!

Still in active duty, coaching remains only an avocation for Mills. She sees a bright future ahead, however, as she transitions out of the military this summer.

“I hope that two to three years down the road, I’ll be able to use this to support my family.”

However, for this season’s challenge, Mills has a few more goals in mind. Inspired by the finalists she saw at the 2013 World Conference in Miami, she decided instead to enter, this time with her husband. Mills said having a partner keeps her more accountable and she recommends it for anyone using the TLS program.

“I’m very passionate about the TLS program,” Mills said.  “It totally changed my life, not just my weight…  Now, when people say ‘I feel 10 years younger, I actually DO feel younger.’”

What keeps involved in TLS? Personal empowerment and liberating others, she said.

“When I was 50 lbs. overweight after my pregnancy, my doctor told me ‘there’s nothing more you can do; you will most likely be overweight for the rest of your life.'”

After struggling for years, Mills said that she finally feels as if she has control over her body and wants to share that experience with others.

She said that her favorite moment as a coach is “when they get it, when it clicks for them:” the moment that the sugar cravings cease, the weight starts coming off, and clients begin to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and a diet consisting of whole foods.

If you want the full experience of Mills’ healthy diet, try her morning TLS combination, “Coach Courtney’s Fit Frappe:” a TLS shake, Almond milk, and a half of scoop of Mochatonix.

“I really encourage people to do the Find Your Fit Challenge and do TLS because it is a maintainable lifestyle,” Mills said. “I’ve been so involved in fitness because it’s key but I’ve never found a program that is so maintainable.”

The difference between TLS and other programs, Mills believes, is that TLS fuels the body rather than starves the body.

“TLS does not only promote fat loss, it educates on balancing plates and eating whole, foods. No other program does that. They focus on taking something away, but not fixing.”

Mills’ long road to healthy living can serves as an example to anyone with a desire to make a change to their life. Do you have any questions you would like to ask Coach Courtney?



*Individuals following the TLS Weight Loss Solution  as part of a healthy diet and exercise program can expect to lose 1-2lbs (0.45-0.9kg). per week. The persons sharing their stories are Independent Distributors of Market America products. You should consult your physician before beginning this or any other weight-management program.
