Social Media Monday: Finding People to Follow on Twitter

So you took the plunge and finally signed up for Twitter. Congrats! You’re excited to start tweeting about your favorite ma® products, posting about your weekend plans, and sharing your favorite entrepreneurial articles with the tweet-sphere. But something very important is missing…do you know what it is?

If you said “other people!” you are 100% correct! Just like a birthday party, Twitter isn’t any fun unless you have other people to hang out with and talk to. Here’s some easy ways you can find people to follow on Twitter, and get some followers in the process!

Note: step-by-step instructions and visual examples are for users accessing Twitter with a web browser. You can still access these features on your mobile app, just keep in mind that they won’t look the same or be in the same location as is portrayed in the following examples.

First Thing’s First: Why Are You Here?
Before we talk about finding people to follow, let’s back up and figure out what you will be using Twitter for. Since you’re an UnFranchise® Owner, it’s likely that you will be tweeting valuable information about your top-selling products. You’re a social person, so connecting with team members and exchanging business tips with them is definitely at the top of your list. You’re also proud to discover cool blogs and news related to your interests, and you’ll probably tweet your favorites so your friends can check them out, too. Did that help you figure out a general idea of what you will use Twitter for and the kind of content you will share? Great! Connecting with people in your niche will be a breeze!

Brand New to Twitter? Read This Before You Start.
When you first sign up for Twitter, you are prompted to follow at least 10 people or brands before you can access the other features on the site. Twitter will walk you through this process by suggesting celebrities or well-known brands to follow. They’ll also sort accounts by topic (business, music, fashion, etc.) for you to browse. You also have the option to type in specific accounts to follow (see our suggestions below).

Find Friends to Follow
The best place to start your search is with the “Find Friends” feature. To access this feature, click the link at the top of your browser that says #Discover. This will take you to a screen displaying several options, trending tweets, and a few suggestions of who to follow (see image below). Locate the “Find Friends” option in the top left menu. Follow the instructions for finding your friends by importing your email contacts. When you find someone you know who you want to connect with, click “Follow”.

Browse Categories
Below the Find Friends option on your screen resides another cool function that allows you to browse Twitter users by categories. Clicking this will take you to a page of – you guessed it– categories of top Twitter users. Go ahead and poke around in the categories that seem interesting to you. Keep in mind that the people and business in these categories have a massive Twitter following, so it’s not likely that they will follow you back. Even so, this is a simple way for new users to find interesting people to follow.

Search for People Using Keywords
Since you have already figured out what you will use twitter for, now it’s time to find like-minded people to connect with. Let’s say you decided that you will use Twitter to tweet about health-related topics, share info about your favorite Isotonix® products, and connect with people who are interested in fitness, health, and nutrition. For you, the best place to start is by searching for people who mention these keywords in their tweets or twitter bio (we’re going to use “health and fitness” for this example).

To do this, first locate the search bar at the top of your browser (located next to the red arrow). Now, type in “health and fitness” and press enter. The screen that will pop up will look very similar to the screen shot below.

I have marked the important things to pay attention to with different colored arrows. Green points to the fact that “Tweets” has been selected so that tweets mentioning health and fitness are displayed. The orange arrow points to “Top” (bold letters). This indicates that you’re viewing the most popular tweets on Twitter that mention health and fitness. Click “All” (yellow arrow) to view ALL tweets mentioning health and fitness.

If you see a tweet you like, simply click on the user’s photo to read their bio and see a few of their recent tweets. If they seem interesting enough to you, simply click “follow” to add them to your list of people you follow. Now their tweets will show up in your home feed.

Now click “People” (below “Tweets”) to filter your results by people who mention health and fitness in their bio instead of tweets mentioning health and fitness (see image below). Scroll through the list (it will be pretty long), and click through a few profiles that may interest you. Again, if you see someone you find interesting, click “follow” to add them to the list of people you’re following. Now their tweets will show up in your home feed, too!

Try playing around with a few different keywords and narrow down your search to Tweets and People (just like we did above). Keep in mind that if you know someone’s Twitter handle (aka username), you can type that into the search bar and find them that way, too. Check out our suggestions of who to follow below!

  • @marketamerica
  • @jrridinger
  • @lorenridinger
  • @shopcom
  • @isotonix
  • @tlsweightloss
  • @motives
  • @fixx
  • @mahappyhome
  • @meeton
  • @macares
  • @marcashley1
  • @steveashley
  • @andrewweissman
  • @dennisjfranks

If you have any questions about finding people to follow on Twitter, please post them in the comments below!
