Market America Mourns Loss of Receiving Manager

It is with sorrow and regret that we must inform the Market America family that Al Holmes, Market America’s beloved Receiving Manager for over 16 years, passed away Saturday, February 13, 2010.

Marc Ashley, chief operating officer of Market America with Al Holmes.

Al began his career at Market America in October 1993 as one of the first 20 pioneer employees. From the very beginning, Al embodied a spirit of steadfastness and devotion that garnered him great admiration and respect. He was known for his unrivaled commitment to his duties, making everything he did his own and never letting anything interfere. It came as no surprise when Al was named the 2009 recipient of the Pops Award, the qualifications of which – going the extra mile, a “company first” attitude, a positive outlook, willingness to help, and a big heart – Al was the perfect manifestation.  He will be greatly missed.

Al’s memorial service will take place today, February 16, at 4:00 p.m. at Hargett Funeral Services, 905 East Market Street in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Much Love and Respect.
