Why is Being a Product of the Product so Important?

If you’ve heard it once you’ve heard it a million times, “you must be a product of the product.” But what does it really mean when you’re a product of the product? And why is it so darn important?

Understanding how a product works to increase your credibility
There’s no way around it: if you’re going to be successful in this business, you have to use the products yourself. This is not because we are trying to sell more products; it’s because you must use the products and understand how they work in order to sell them. Think about this: if someone told you to sell products from the Isotonix® line but you weren’t allowed to try them (ever), do you think you would be able to do it? Yes, some people are naturally gifted sales people and would be able to sell you the shoes off your feet, but most of us aren’t like that. Being a product of the product means that you have tried the product, understand how it works and how it impacts your life. And since you have amazing first-hand knowledge of it, you are able to provide your personal testimony to sell it effectively.

Understanding how the product fits into your lifestyle
Think about the products you have incorporated into your life and can’t live without. You could say they fit pretty well into your lifestyle, right? Awesome! Because understanding how they fit into your lifestyle is the key to showing others how they can fit into theirs. No one wants a product that they have to go out of their way to use or reap the benefits from; they want a product that is going to make their lives easier! And while all the products might not fit into your life, it’s important to figure out what does so you can teach your family, friends, and everyone else how much they’ve improved your lifestyle.

Products breed passion!
The more you use the products, the more passionate you will feel about them. Whatever you do, DON’T put a lid on that passion! That passion shows customers that you are genuine about the products you’re selling.

For example: if you love using Ultimate Aloe® in your morning smoothie, post a photo on Facebook showing the product and all the yummy ingredients you use to make your favorite morning beverage. When your friend asks you what your secret to beautiful, glowing skin is, tell her about Lumière de Vie®! If you overhear one of your buddies complaining at the gym of being sore for days and days after a workout, mention how much you love the Isotonix® supplements that provide essential nutrients for muscle recovery. Use your passion to be helpful, and sooner or later the requests for more information will start rolling in!

…but that’s not all.
Being a product of the product doesn’t just mean using the actual products; it means using SHOP.COM regularly, keeping up with the new features on the site, staying up to date on Daily Deals, SHOP.COM Direct and using ShopBuddy to find the best prices and Cashback. The last thing you want is to fumble around the site when first showing it to a customer – think about how much that would kill your credibility!  So make sure to use SHOP.COM regularly so that you can effortlessly introduce new people to the site and answer questions your customers have.

Now we want to hear from you! Why do YOU think it’s important to be a product of the product? Tell us in the comment section below!
