SHOP.COM Saturday: The Importance of Product Reviews

Product reviews are a great way to learn more about a product before you invest your own time and money by purchasing it. You can read FAQs and look at photos, but there’s no true replacement for a good old review from someone who is familiar with the product and can offer you valuable information from their own experience.

At SHOP.COM, we offer a place to leave customer reviews for all of our Market America branded products. We’d like to encourage you to leave a review whenever you purchase a new product. Why? It’s important! Here’s an example of what our product reviews look like. Listed below are reviews for Isotonix® Multivitamin:

Customer reviews often include things that we don’t think about for our FAQ section. For example, in a product review customers might offer tips on storing your Motives® makeup or pouring your Isotonix® products. We expect that when you leave a product review that you’re being fair and honest about the product. If you didn’t love it, tell the truth! Maybe you tried Motives® Pressed Eye Shadow in Glamour but weren’t thrilled at how dark the shade of purple was. In your customer review, you could mention that you found a lighter alternative with Motives® Pressed Eye Shadow in Dollface. This is helpful information for other customers that we don’t have room to include in our general descriptions.

It’s easy to leave a product review for any of our products. If you’ve already scrolled down on the product page to read reviews, click the “Review this Product” button. You can’t miss it- it has a gold star beside it! A small window will open that looks like this:

Simply assign the product a star rating, type a short title + description, and click “submit.” Your review will be published with your SHOP.COM username (unless you select the anonymous option) alongside other reviews, listed by date. If you are a Shop Consultant, an image will appear by your review notifying others of your title.

Keep in mind the next time you go on a hunt for reviews how helpful it would be to others if you were to leave your own for the products you use. This is one way that you can help us continue to make SHOP.COM the premiere place to shop online!
