The Sell Out Dilemma!

How do you describe what transpired at the World Conference? It’s difficult to articulate or put into words; you just had to be there. If you were there you know what I mean. If you were not, well…you don’t know what you don’t know. Without a doubt, there were many magic moments created. It was pure high energy, passion and substance and new releases and advances demonstrating that we are leading the parade in online shopping and Internet marketing, and that we have the opportunity of the future. There is no way to put it in a test tube and say: “there it is.” But undoubtedly, it was a representation that we are on track to change the way people shop and create the economy of the future. Yes, we’re creating an economic ecosystem or sub-economy that will be a model for the future, at the very least, for ourselves and those who join us! So how do you explain everything to those that were not there? That’s the challenge isn’t it? Ultimately, the only real solution is to get them to International Convention. And how do you get new people to understand everything? Well, again, there is nothing that replaces the Convention to do that because it allows new people to experience it for themselves.

The actual experience results in understanding, belief and confidence about the opportunity and what to do. The best consolation and bridge to implement until the Convention is to listen to the audios and get everyone in your group to listen to the audio downloads on their mp3 players. Also, use the Haute Living special edition “Creating Paradise” (Code HL4 (Pack of 5)), to speak to all the things that Market America is about. It packages everything we are for someone looking at the business. It is an excellent update; a crash course for stable or waiting Customer Managers who are out of touch, but nothing replaces being at World Conference or International Convention. That is why we build from event to event. It is unfortunate that we cannot get everyone there. All we can do is our best. If you want someone there, it’s up to you to find way to get them there. It is the only shortcut to success that I know of. If you get the right people there, you practically become a hopeless success, because they are going to go out and build it with you or without you, propelling you to success. It takes too much work and time to bring people who were not there up to speed. That’s why I work smarter rather than harder to get them there. This is why we build from event to event so that we never stop growing or riding the momentum.

But unfortunately, everyone can’t be at Convention, so we have to make sure the people who are important to our business are there. There is not enough space or tickets for everyone to attend Convention, even though we find ways to pack more in like a sardine can. There isn’t enough room or tickets for everyone anyway. The people who want to be there will be there by acting fast and getting tickets. If everyone who was there came back (why wouldn’t they?) and brought one new person, what happens? Everyone obviously can’t get in or be sold a ticket. Those of us who have tickets have to be selective to some extent about who we sell them to or invite to come with us. More tickets were sold for International Convention than for World Convention, right at the event in Miami. This brings to light a very interesting problem to which I have no answer.

We are practically sold out with an increased seating capacity. I always know we will sell out and of course we expect that and promote it. But I have learned that there is also something called the “dilemma of sell out.” It is actually a boomerang, or a double-edged sword. A boomerang can be thrown far, but no matter how far you throw it, it returns to you and will hit you in the head if you don’t watch it. A two-edged sword can turn on you and cut the wrong side (that’s you) if you are not careful. The average person buys three tickets. Once they sell them, they are used up, and if the event is sold out, they can’t get anymore. So what does someone who is building with the new people they sold their tickets to do with the people in their fast track program, or the ABC pattern? When we sell out, that problem surfaces and you can be sure we hear about it! Of course, some people who are on fire and setting the pace compensate for this by buying 10 or more tickets.

Some people take quantum leaps by taking control of the situation.

Elizabeth Weber bought large quantities of tickets and required people to buy them and commit before she would sponsor them and that was before she had the people or money. Frank Keefer bought hundreds of tickets and so did Ben Ginder and they took quantum leaps to jump Pin Levels. Most people buy three tickets, which works, especially when it is duplicated! But what happens when the event sells out and the builder or their new people can’t get more tickets? It is a dilemma or a contradiction that prevents Customer Managers from doing what they were taught: to buy a ticket and attend the event, and to sell tickets and to get people started right. So to that extent, even though we race to sell the Convention out, when we do it is a boomerang too. I have wrestled this for years and still do not have the perfect answer or solution. The logical remedy is to sell out and increase the size of the venue to accommodate the need for more tickets for new people. That is exactly what we have been attempting to do. We stretch the capacity of the venue to the limit.  So we set out to increase or maximize seating on the floor and in the arena. We moved the stage back and filled the space with more seating in front and on the sides. We put seating behind the stage. There are still small pie wedges of seating to the right and left rear of the stage because people can’t see from those angles. A 360 degree center stage doesn’t work effectively because of screens and props, and addressing the audience is less personal. We lose floor space, which fits more seats per square foot than the stands. Sometimes the 360 degree setup can work with a singer or band, but not for our format. Ultimately, these initiatives result in being able to add nearly 3,000 seats. It takes the American Airlines Arena in Miami from 21,000 to 24,000 and in the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro from 22,000 to 26,000. That temporarily helps to mitigate the dilemma but doesn’t solve it. The only other way to expand is to have two events — west coast and east coast — or to go to a stadium dome with 75,000 to 90,000 seats and that is too big of a leap. We are not quite ready for those moves.

Regardless of the dilemma, the importance of selling tickets, building from event to event, and being at the World Conference and International Convention is monumental and can’t be quantified. There is no substitute for it. There are so many new developments and advances in technology, promotional campaigns, new releases, products and building techniques that it is difficult to summarize. If someone is not at the event, how does a UFO or Customer Manager get up to speed? They have to settle for audios — that is not the same as being there, but until the next event of this magnitude, it is the only solution. Then there is the challenge of passing on the information to your group. It is so much easier just to get them there. It is a tremendous amount of time-consuming work to convey and pass on everything that happened at a Convention. It takes months and even then there is a lot lost in translation and then duplication is diluted. Do I have to even discuss the effect Convention has on people? It truly is a magic moment for most people when that billionth of a volt sparks across the cerebral cortex and they see the light. How do you quantify the effect and power of the experience? It is not only what happens in the meetings, but in between meetings with the people you meet, the discussions, the relationships and friendships that develop. It is more than a seminar or just learning; it is an experience, it is the reality of the business. The truth of the matter is that it is priceless. It is the shortcut to success because, by getting the right people there, you can become what I call a hopeless success. The right people who attend become so empowered, convinced and committed with the knowledge of what to do to succeed that they are going to do it with you or without you. Therefore their success results in you becoming a “hopeless success.” So obviously you have to be there and you have to get the people that you want to grow in the business to be there. Period! It’s that simple. End of story.

So the dilemma is that when we are sold out of tickets (the goal), only those who have tickets can take advantage of this and it is six months until the next one. You either have your tickets or not, and you either get the people there or not. You all know the old saying: You can not lead where you will not go, and you can not teach what you do not know.” Wow! That about says it all! We are in a business of keeping people in the business until they see the light, and we build from event to event. You cannot do any of that or connect the dots without tickets or the ability to get people to the next international event.

Repeatedly we sell out one event before the next. Those that have tickets are loaded with the ammunition to grow to the next level. But those who do not have them are handicapped. In the past there has been an outcry for more tickets when there are no tickets left. People who don’t have them try to find people who do have them. We try to match people who have tickets up with those who don’t. When someone hasn’t used all of their tickets and someone else has people who need them, we put them together. We try to find or create extra seating. We pack them in as a result.

This year we noticed an unusual thing.

We sold as many tickets as we have sold in the past — around 22,000 (a sellout last year or in the past). That used to be capacity, but now we can fit 25,000 to 26,000 attendees in the Coliseum in order to tackle the dilemma and avoid the boomerang. So that allows another 3,000 to 4,000 people to buy tickets while they last. Of course, in March we go on tour to 14 cities and then we have districts and regionals, so obviously with all the momentum and excitement from World Conference and the new wave of growth, there will not be enough for everyone. However we noticed an interesting thing this year. Through the recorded ticket sales, it was brought to my attention that almost all new people (Customer Managers, UFOs, guest and prospects) got their three tickets. That is fantastic and a great thing. It shows they got it and are committed! However, it was determined that some UFOs and more experienced Customer Managers left empty handed. So we asked around and surprisingly found that what happens is people who have been around for awhile start second-guessing, or think they are smarter than the system (like the old Leroy and red bike story, or the story of the smartest man in world jumping out of the airplane with the hippy rock star’s knapsack). That’s OK, but it is yet another boomerang or double-edged sword that cuts you on either side. It is a big accomplishment when the new people in the business all get it and have their tickets. I guess it says something when the newer people get it. When questioning some of the old guard, we find that they prognosticated or “felt” that it wasn’t going to sell out and they could get tickets later because it happened the last couple times and tickets were available after the event. That’s because we tried to avoid the dilemma and boomerang effect. But there goes the boomerang effect again to come back and hit you in the head. The old guard who deserve to benefit jump back on the proverbial hamster treadmill I showed at World Conference and they don’t realize it! It was a dilemma when we did sell out and there were no tickets left by the end of the event, and there was an outcry to find a way to get more or to make more room. So even by the normal arena seating arrangements of the past, we are sold out based on the number of seats and tickets. That created a big problem. No more tickets for new people growing or those who were not there. So, I guess we can’t win for losing or we are wrong if we do sell out or if we don’t, because either way it is a problem for someone.

Here is what is happening and it is very understandable.

A lot of people scrape up every last dime to be there and look forward to growing and end up making more money in the coming months as a result. After all, they did the right thing by being there. But at the moment, things are tight financially. Each day there are a few special offers, like The Rhythm of Success book, and the Haute Living special editions that effectively explain everything new about Market America for you. Some people are holding off getting their tickets to see what is going to be offered the next day. They also have to hold onto a few bucks for networking, having a good time, and for the trip home. Somehow they put off buying their tickets, but mainly because they think they are outsmarting the system and that they will be able to get them later. Well it may have worked out that way temporarily, but that really isn’t the way it is! The tickets will all be gone as we hit the road on the NMTSS Blitz Tour and the excitement from World Conference continues to spread. The unfortunate thing is some of the people who have been in the business for awhile think that they are smarter than the system and can get them later. They are dead wrong and they are the ones who deserve the tickets and need them the most. Why? Well, they have people already! So here comes that old double-edged sword or boomerang again to cut you or hit you in the head. It’s the hamster treadmill in the business! There will not be any tickets left and what are you going to do then? How are you going to get in or get your new people in? What does that do to all your hard work and the people who needed to be there? I realize money can be tight from time to time and you have to make choices. I also know the most important choice and right choice is to have the ticket that gets you there and have tickets to sell. You cannot sell a ticket you do not have. And remember my story about getting into the business by accident and becoming a hopeless success and duplicating and connecting the dots? This all happened because someone sold me a ticket and I bought tickets and had to sell them. What if the guy didn’t sell me the tickets and what if I didn’t buy tickets to sell the next round? Would I be here today? Would Market America be here? Would I have succeeded? Would the dots have connected the way they did? Go back and listen to the audio download (ADL2062 – Creating More Duplication and Success)!!!! It is your decision. I just want those of you who have been in the business for awhile to know from me, personally, that you misjudged and made the wrong call and it could affect your future and success. Fortunately, there may be a little time left for some who act quickly. He who hesitates is lost. Then the tickets will be gone and what will you do then? I felt it only fair to let you know because you have the most to lose and the most to gain!

Do something about it today! If you do nothing, then you decided by default anyway. The difference between success and failure is so simple. The individual who succeeds simply did what the individual who didn’t succeed did not do or was not willing to do. Period.

A limited number of 2010 International Convention tickets are available — visit your UnFranchise® Business account or call  1-800-232-8590.

I believe in you. Keep growing.

JR Ridinger
