Earning credit for news feeds on maNetwork

We’ve received a number of questions on what the correct way is to earn credit for using Market America’s Facebook application, maNetwork. Below are instructions on earning credit for newsfeed referrals that you should follow that will help address any areas that may be confusing.

  1. Be sure you are have logged in to maNetwork (this goes for customer too).
  2. Anytime a news feed is sent out and a user visits your Facebook profile page and views it, clicks on it or registers and adds you as a referral, the person who posted the item receives the new customer.

Note: Even if your customer sends out the news feed, the customer manager will still get the new customer.  You can’t test this feature by simply sending a news feed out and clicking on your own post from your own profile page and signing up. A user or friend must come from an entirely different facebook profile page to your profile page, click on it for the referral to be assigned to you as a new customer.
