TLS Weight Loss Solution Find Your Fit 2013 Fall Challenge is Officially Launched

“Life is challenging, but I’m always up for a challenge.”
-Venus Williams 

There’s nothing like a little challenge to provide that first spark of motivation, no harm in some friendly competition, and a lot to be said for being thousands of dollars richer after getting into the best shape of your life. With all of the above in mind, TLS Weight Loss Solution has officially announced the Find Your Fit 2013 Fall Challenge!

The 12-week TLS Find Your Fit Fall 2013 Challenge officially begins on August 30 and will award a total of $100,000 in cash prizes. This is the largest amount awarded since the Challenge began, and with more opportunities than ever to win.

As always, participants can compete either as individuals or as groups of two or more, and Coaches are free to work with as many participating individuals and groups as they wish. Registration for the Challenge is already underway, and closes on August 29.

The Challenge itself will be held from August 30th to November 22nd. After all materials are received, judging will take place with an exciting new twist: beginning December 14, visitors to will be able to vote online for their favorite finalists – for both the group and individual portions of the challenge – to win the grand prizes.

TLS Weight Loss Solution is both privileged and proud to hear these stories of success from around the world—to date, our Challenge participants have lost a total of over726,000 pounds, and nearly 130,000 inches. Best of all, however, are the stories of spirits lifted and lives changed.  All of our participants provide great testimony to the fact that those who succeed with TLS are not just looking better today, but feeling better for a lifetime.

For anyone who’s ever thought about slimming down and shaping up, this is an opportunity to show the world what you’re made of, and we hope you’ll take advantage of it. The rewards are greater than ever, and there’s never been a better time—from all of us at TLS, we say GO FOR IT!
