Social Media Monday: Helpful Tips from Around the Web

Have you ever wondered what you should be doing on social media before breakfast? Or how to optimize your Twitter profile? Well, you’re in luck! Today we’re sharing some of the most helpful social media articles published this past week. Read on for helpful tips and tricks from some of the best social media news sources on the web.

5 tips to optimize your Twitter profile

Don’t be a suspicious looking “egghead” on social media! This article offers helpful tips to assist you in making the most of your Twitter experience.

6 social media things to do before breakfast

This article offers a helpful rundown of what you should be paying attention to on your social media accounts every day (and ideally, first thing in the morning).

A Gif from Pinterest

Pinterest now supports animated gifs! If you’re an avid pinner, you’re going to be really excited about this development (plus, the info in this article about how to use this new feature to your advantage).

News Feed FYI: What happens when you see more updates from friends

Facebook Changed their newsfeed algorithm (again). Here’s how it will affect you (and, like the Pinterst article, info about how to use it to your advantage!).

10 Facebook-coined terms that changed the English language

Not just a fun read – but useful too! If you’re just starting to use social media, this is a great reference article to help you start learning Facebook vocab.

These are our top faves of the week, but we want to know yours! Share them with us in the comment section below.
