Are you tired? Low energy might mean low iron!

This is my second blog about being tired…do you see a pattern here? I think most people start to feel a little more tired at this time of year. It’s getting cold out and we tend to stay indoors bundled up— who doesn’t feel like curling up under a blanket when its 40 degrees outside? It’s getting darker earlier— when the sun goes down, I start yawning. The holidays are coming— need I say more? All these factors make me feel more tired than usual. But, it might be more than seasonal fatigue. Did you know that the most common symptom of iron deficiency is fatigue? It’s true!

Your body needs iron in order to manufacture hemoglobin—a component of red blood cells which carries and distributes oxygen throughout the body. With low levels of iron, you have less hemoglobin production and oxygen isn’t as readily available within the body. Less oxygen generally means less energy and more fatigue.

OK, so the mini-science lesson is over. I’ve heard a million ways that people try to boost their iron intake—chicken livers, beets, molasses and milk…. Personally, I’d rather drink my multi with iron. But in all seriousness, as the holidays approach, take care of yourself. I know that if I’m stressed and tired, I’m more likely to get sick and I don’t have time to be sick. I’ll be making sure I’m getting enough sleep, keeping my stress levels low and taking my multivitamin with iron every day. But for the rest of you out there, keep in mind that some individuals (especially young children and elderly women) may not need an iron supplement and should check with their health care provider before adding additional iron to their diet.

Here’s a holiday season full of energy!!!
