Social Media Monday: Top Social Media News Stories from Around the Web

How would you like to have all the top social media news stories, announcements, and updates from the past week right at your fingertips? Well, you’re in luck, because today’s Social Media Monday blog post is going to do just that! Whether it’s an article about making the most out of LinkedIn Groups or a news story about an exciting Twitter update, there’s always something new to read, learn about, or explore. Keeping up with all of the latest social media news can be a daunting task, so here’s a quick run-down of last week’s top social media news stories you should know about.

Twitter’s New Profiles: Everything you need to know

Have you heard? Your Twitter will be getting a facelift! Read this post on Mashable (one of our favorite sources for social media – related news and announcements) to find out how this will impact you.

Facebook’s not messing around: Messenger will be the only way to chat on mobile

Do you use Facebook’s messaging on your phone to chat with your friends? Well get ready to download Facebook Messenger (in addition to your Facebook app) in order to continue doing so. Read this article to find out what.

How to network with LinkedIn Groups

As an UnFranchise Owner, networking is your #1 source of connections, prospects, and potential customers. This must-read article teaches you how to take your networking from offline to online without a hitch.

17 quick ways to master your LinkedIn profile

…and with all that LinkedIn Group networking you’ll be doing (see the article listed above!), chances are your LinkedIn profile is going to need a little polishing. Check out this article for helpful tips for doing just that.

8 social media mistakes to avoid in 2014

Regardless of what you’re using social media for in 2014, this is a great list of mistakes you’ll want to avoid. It’s a quick read, so check it out!

The heartbleed hit list: The passwords you need to change RIGHT NOW

The heartbleed bug was national news last week. With all the talk about stolen passwords, hacked accounts, and your personal information being at risk, it’s hard to know what YOU need to do to protect yourself and your online identity. This list, also from Mashable, will tell you everything you need to know about the sites you need to change your password to ASAP.

Why you can’t stop checking Facebook 

While this isn’t necessarily need-to-know-now-news, it is an interesting read. Find out what a new study discovered about that urge we experience to check up on Facebook all hours of the day.

How to craft the perfect social media post

This article contains a beautifully-done infographic illustrating the ways you can improve your social media posts. Check it out to learn something new!

These are some of our top social media news stories from the past week, but if we missed anything, be sure to let us know! Share your favs with us in the comment section below.
