A View from the Events Department

When you work in Events, it’s easy to lose sight of the ‘big picture’ – you spend most of your days making reservations, returning phone calls, planning agendas & breakouts, booking flights, making sure NOT to double-book Dennis and the other speakers, etc. It’s just like any other job. But while doing a little early-bird holiday shopping on marketamerica.com today, I happened to cruise over to maMedia & checked out the newest Life With Loren episode (the one that focuses on International Convention). I have to say, it was a nice reminder for why we do this: seeing the enthusiasm of the crowd, the lights, the spectacle, etc. It really makes it all worthwhile when you realize that we’re empowering thousands of people to take control of their future while connecting them to some of the brightest and most successful entrepreneurial minds out there and that makes it all worthwhile.

It still amazes me in retrospect how much work and dedication from everyone as a whole went into making that event a huge success. Although many of us are involved in the planning process early on, it was amazing to see the process behind the scenes. It is also great to get a glimpse of the event from a Distributors point of view. The video categorized everything thing from the initial planning stages with our Management Team to the actual prefunction sound check with Loren and concluded with JR on stage.

It’s amazing just how the whole event comes together with the help of all of you. So if you haven’t seen the video go check it out.

MA World Conference is right around the corner and we look forward to ushering in a terrific 2009 here at Market America starting it off in a big way with MA World Conference!

What are your favorite memories from International Convention 2008?
