Social Media Monday: Tips for Building Your Business with Instagram

Instagram was a hot topic during World Conference 2014 – and not just because it’s one of the fastest growing social networks! After months of brand-building and networking, our Motives® Cosmetics Instagram account has skyrocketed to well over half a million followers. If you’re an UnFranchise® Owner who wants to build your business with Instagram, rest assured that you don’t have to be a big brand like Motives® to do so! Here are our tips for making this social network work for you.

Tell people who you are and why you’re here

Chances are, when another Instagram user wants to know more about you, they will click on your profile to read your bio. Make sure to complete this section so others can easily find out who you are and what you do! When filling out your bio, you will notice a text box that says “website” where you can include a link to your portal. This is the only place on Instagram that you can post a clickable website address, so take advantage of this feature and link directly to your portal.

Be consistent

Just like with any other social network, the key to success is being consistent. Post photos and videos frequently and interact with those you follow and who follow you. The more active you are on Instagram, the more likely you are to gain new followers and build your network with potential customers and business prospects!

Tell a story

Even if you’re using Instagram to build your business, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun with it! Other users are more likely to follow and engage with you if you post content that tells a story about who you are, what matters to you, and what you like to do. Share fun, unique photos of things you might might not think twice about but that tell a story about who you are. For example: share a before-and-after photo of a makeover you gave your friend using Motives®, re-post a business partner’s photo of the UBP you hosted the night before, snap a selfie showing you working from home during a blizzard, or share a pic of the Choice Energy Bars you brought along with you on your hike.

Use captions, hashtags and mentions

When posting a photo, don’t forget to write a short caption with a few hashtags and applicable @username mentions. Posting a caption with your photos is crucial, because there is nothing that is more boring, confusing, or downright strange than a photo with no caption! Go a step further by including hashtags or mentions to your photo caption. Adding hashtags to photos makes it easier for users searching for that keyword or phrase to find your photo. Include mentions in captions of photos that depict specific people or brands; doing so will notify them that you posted a photo of them or a picture you would like them to see.

Just because Instagram is a fun photo-sharing site doesn’t mean it’s not a useful business-building tool. Instagram offers UnFranchise Owners limitless opportunities to increase their influence, build their business, and expand their personal and professional network. As long as you apply these tips and stay dedicated to building your network, you will be well on your way to achieving Instagram success!
