Go Green with SHOP.COM!

Happy Earth Day! SHOP.COM likes to go green every day and provide our UnFranchise Owners and customers with the best eco-friendly and safe products for your everyday use! But today, in honor of Mother Nature, we want to spotlight some of our favorite GREEN products! We want to give you the facts about how making Earth-friendly changes in your home can mean big savings in your wallet. Read on to learn how every day is Earth Day at SHOP.COM!

Cleaning for less with SNAP
Snap™ All-Purpose Natural Concentrate can replace up to 133 bottles of the leading all-purpose cleaner – over $400 in savings! It is a highly concentrated, multi-purpose cleaner that will replace a cabinet full of household cleaners.

Clean water with PureH2O
You could save at least $600 per person annually by switching from bottled water to filtered tap water. At only $0.16 per gallon, PureH2O™ Countertop Water Filter provides superior water filtration at the best value.

Relief from gas prices with Autoworks Fuel Enhancer
Give your car – and your wallet – a little stability. Autoworks™ Fuel Enhancer can improve gas mileage by up to 12%* (with regular use) and has the additional benefits of a clean fuel system, improved performance, lower emissions and reduced overall oil consumption.

All-in-one cleaner with GlobalCare
Keep your pool and spa sparkling clean this summer with GlobalCare™ Pool & Spa Cleaner. It is your all-in-one-cleaner! Replace over 5 different pool products – saving you time and money!

All of these unique Market America eco-friendly products will improve your home, life and body all while saving you money! Head to SHOP.COM now and look for the eco-friendly seal to choose products that are safe for the environment with non-toxic, biodegradable, phosphate free and recycled ingredients!

How are you showing your GREEN for Earth Day? Share with us in the comments below! 
