Social Media Monday: Top 5 Tips From Around the Web For UnFranchise Owners

Today we’re switching it up a bit and sharing our favorite social media tips from around the web! From helpful, easy-to-apply tips for making the most out of twitter to a site you can use to manage your Instagram account via your desktop web browser, we’ve scoured the web for the best tips our UnFranchise Owners can benefit the most from. Are you ready to see what they are?

Twitter Tip: Let your personality shine on Twitter by tweeting funny/interesting content along with the business content.

This is just one of 50 (yes, 50!) amazingly simple Twitter tips published in this post by HubSpot. Other tips include, “Engage with others and show appreciation for their tweets by using the favorite button as a ‘like,” and “Use hashtags (#) to join relevant conversations and make your tweets easy to find.” Check it out to see what tips you can start using today!

Social Media Tip: Make the most of the online tools available to you to help you manage your social media presence.

This tip is a bit of a no–brainer, but how many of you are actually taking advantage of sites like TweetDeck, HootSuite, or bitly to help you manage your social media presence? This article has 60 awesome online tools you can use to help you do just that. Most of them are free and very, very easy to use. Check them out here.

Instagram Tip: Manage your Instagram account using the web-based Instagram management tool Iconosquare for free.

Iconosquare is a web-based, totally free Instagram management tool that is accessible on your desktop web browser. While you can’t post to Instagram using Iconosquare (you can only post to Instagram using a mobile device), you can respond to comments on your photos, view your photo feed, like and comment on photos, search hashtags, and even follow new users. If you’re the kind of person who likes having everything laid out in front of you on a web browser (rather than trying to manage your entire Instagram presence on a teensy iPhone screen), this is for you! Take it from us: our social media team uses Iconosquare every day to respond to comments and like other user’s photos, and we love how easy it is to use!

Find more information about Iconosquare (formerly known as in this article on the Social Media Examiner titled “5 Instagram tools to better manage your marketing.”

Facebook Tip: Be selective about what you post!

This goes for all social media sites, but this article and accompanying infographic talks specifically about Facebook do’s and don’ts. “Be selective about what you post,” means that you should think about what you’re sharing and if it’s important enough to be worthy of a Facebook post. If you want to share an update about what you ate for breakfast, that might not be as news-worthy as, say, getting the word out about the UBP that you’ll be hosting the following day. While you should balance your business-related updates with general updates about your life, make sure that you’re not cluttering your profile (and your friends’ news feeds) with trivial posts that don’t matter much in the long run.

Take a look at this article and helpful infographic for more tips.

Pinterest Tip: Write a ridiculously good pin description that entices people to click before pinning it to one of your boards.

Pinterest allows you to type up to 500 characters in a pin description, but evidence shows that pins with around a 200 character description are most likely to be repined. Two hundred characters isn’t a lot (not that much more than a tweet!), so make sure that your description tells the viewer what it is they’re looking at and what they can do with the content that lives behind the pin. For example, if you pinned a picture of Isotonix® OPC-3 from your SHOP.COM portal, tell your viewers WHAT the product is (a revolutionary supplement!), WHY it’s important (it contains ingredients like Pycnogenol, and delivers ingredients to the body via the isotonic delivery system) and WHERE they can get a bottle to try it for themselves (click the photo to be taken to the product detail page on SHOP.COM, where they can buy it).

For more Pinterest tips, check out this article.

These are only some of the helpful social media tips published last week on the web! If we missed one you think is noteworthy, please feel free to share it with us in the comment section below!
