Leveraging Events: Building Unstoppable Momentum for Market Taiwan

After spending this past weekend in Taipei with over 27,000 incredible UnFranchise Owners at the 2014 Market Taiwan Convention – I am completely blown away by their passion for building the business and the unstoppable momentum they’ve been able to generate by leveraging events. So much of what is occurring in Taiwan right now with the UnFranchise business reminds me of the early days of Market America! Just as it was when we started Market America over twenty years ago, selling tickets and attending these events are critical for business building! 

Market Taiwan is experiencing such incredible growth right now because they are absolutely committed to selling tickets and duplicating it within their teams. It’s how we built the business in America and its how they’re building it in Taiwan right now. Maybe that should tell you something!

Attending these types of events is essential to your development as an UnFranchise Owner, and is a driving force behind your business’s growth. The UnFranchise Owners in Taiwan completely understand this concept, that’s why they’ve already SOLD OUT their upcoming Leadership School in November!

Below you’ll find two links with some incredible photos from the 2014 Market Taiwan Convention, so be sure to have a look at these with your team to see all the energy and excitement on display:

You’ll also find a great message from Claire Ni, who discusses this incredibly successful  event as well as the SOLD OUT Market Taiwan Leadership School! Please take a moment to read Claire’s message and share it with your team to illustrate what is possible when you leverage these essential business building events!

With the Mideast and Northern Regional Conventions coming up this weekend, Moving Up Seminars in May, and the Product Symposium and International Convention soon to follow – you’ve got some incredible events to leverage in the coming weeks and months. Are you going to make the most of them?

Keep Growing!

-JR Ridinger


Dear all,

The 2014 Nov. Leadership School Convention tickets were all sold out at 13:30pm on the second day – Sunday, 24,000 in total again and even 3 hours earlier!  (Last November we sold out this April Annual Convention at 16:00pm on the second day pm Sunday).

We thank so much to JR, Loren’s flying over to Taiwan and host the Social Media, Motives and closing speech for us, also to Anthony Akers, Anthony Kwan and Jojo Soh, and surely the corporate event team led by Matt!   We had another fantastic, motivating and result driven event.  We surely will bring this momentum to have another great year!  Below numbers and highlights are served for your kind reference, I also attach the recap pictures for you to enjoy the same atmosphere with us (in order to keep the file smaller it is sent under low resolution)!!  Without the great, touching and inspiring speech done by JR and Loren, we would not be able to reach this achievement!

UBP Attendance

Around 8,000 (no tickets required to attend this grand UBP so this is estimation)


  • Ticket Selling: Thanks to the autograph provided by Loren on the first day Saturday noon time, the ticket sales increased from the pre-sale 13305 to 18533, ended up with 20953 tickets sold at 17:30pm.  On Sunday day the second day, 24000 ticket sold out from 07:00-08:30 and all sold out at 13:30 at noon time.
  • Feature Speakers:  All speakers’ sessions are result driven tactics which strongly hit to the heart of all attendee, the message incorporated so well with Basic 5 concepts conducted by each speaker including Joanne Hsi, Alice Chen, Stacy Tung those big leaders.
  • New Product Launched: +40 new products launched, including Immune, Probiotics, Cellular Laboratories® De-Aging Eye Crème, and several different products of Motives.
  • Challenge Award: We have total 77 winners, including 17 President Challenge Winner, 41 Motives Challenge Winners, 13 WebCenter Challenge Winners and 6 for Transition Challenge, it’s 27% higher than last event in 2013 Leadership School.
  • Singapore coring was conducted on 4/25 Friday afternoon in the three offices of Market Taiwan with more than 250 distributors attended.  Leader who went to Singapore and developed their business was invited to share their successful experiences, Anthony Kwan and Jojo Soh the Singapore Country Manager also attended to answer questions.
  • HP/HP1 cording will be conducted by Michelle Yao on 4/29 morning to introduce the program further.
  • Free Advertising via partnership:  Great partnership store performance and promotion, we have several advertisements covering Isotonix feature, Cash Back Business Opportunity and Lumiere De Vie on Magazine “Business Today”, “Vogue Taiwan”, “Common Wealth”.  Marketing Director of Business Today and Managing Director/Publisher of Vogue Taiwan visited us to promote their magazine with our advertisement.  They were so amazed by our distributor’s power.  Vogue offers for another free advertisement on GQ while Business Today will invite their publisher Mr. Hsieh, a famous economic/financial commenter in Taiwan to visit our next event in November.  We are thinking to invite him for a speech about the future individual economic trend, which is of course the shop.com business opportunity.  We will try to push for topic.
  • Movie Sponsorship: In 2013 we sponsored make up service by utilizing Motives products for a movie named “One Minute”, the movie will be launched on May 9, the famous Supervising Producer Mr. Khan Lee (brother of Ang Lee) visited us on the first day of the convention, he was so impress by our event and promised for future movie sponsorship.  Distributors were so excited when Mr. Lee got on stage.

The consequential effects demonstrated by distributors and also our partners proves that we are able to make another record high year, we will push the revenue growth rate over 20% with total revenue breaking USD 130 million!!  Thank you all to make this happen!!

Thanks & Best regards,

Claire Ni
