Social Media Monday: The Best (and Worst) Times to Post

As a busy UnFranchise Owner, your time is extremely valuable. While social media is an important component of your business strategy, spending hours on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest simply isn’t an option for you. To make the most of your time spent on social media, understanding when to post (and when not to post) on various social networks is essential to your success. Read on for a “social media cheat sheet” and accompanying infographic for all the information you need about the best times to post, pin and tweet.

Below you will find a helpful infographic originally published in this article by HubSpot. Once you’re done viewing the infographic, make sure to scroll all the way down to read our summary of the main points.

Source: SurePayroll


Best times to post: 1PM – 4PM, 7 days a week, with Wednesdays at 3PM being the “peak time” to post.

Worst times to post: Weekends before 8AM and after 8PM.

Tip: Include photos in your Facebook posts. Doing so can help generate 53% more likes and 104% more comments (in comparison to similar posts without an image).


Best times to post: 9AM – 3PM, Monday – Thursday.

Worst times to post: Every day after 8PM & Fridays after 3PM.

Tip: Tweet your pics! Tweets with images result in a 36% increase in clicks, 41% increase in retweets, and a 48% increase in favorites.


Best times to post: Noon – 6PM, Tuesdays – Thursdays.

Worst times to post: Mondays-Fridays, 10PM – 6AM.


Best times to post: Fridays at 3PM and Saturday mornings.

Worst times to post: During normal work hours (makes sense, doesn’t it? 🙂 ).

Tip: It’s been shown that Pins with captions containing about 200 characters (not much longer than a tweet) receive the most amount of engagement and repins. When writing a caption, make sure to include info that tells your viewer WHAT the product is, WHY they should care, and where they will go if they click the link embedded in them image.


Best times to post: Any day of the week at 9AM -10AM, with peak time being on Wednesdays at 9AM.

Worst times to post: Early mornings and evenings.

Fun fact: The fastest growing demographic on Google+ is 45-54 year olds.

The information in this infographic is meant to give you a basis for understanding when to post and when not to. However, it’s important to keep in mind that each personal social network is different. If you find that posting on Facebook at 7:30AM on a Saturday results in more likes and comments on your content, by all means do what works for you!

Let us know: what have you found to be the best times to post on YOUR social media networks? Do your “peak times” differ from the information in this infographic? 
