Transitions Testimonials

Below is Kirt’s story in his own words:

(Kirt has always had a life long battle with his weight. Here is he around the age of 7.)

(Kirt getting ready to go to a school dance)

I want to thank Market America so much for making Transitions. Before I went on Transitions, I was always picked on because I was the “fat kid”. People would make fun of the way I ran in gym class. I was 245 pounds, I could barely fit in the desks at school. I would come home and eat and play Xbox every night. I used walked so slowly. I wanted to do Transitions, because I was tired with my life the way it was going. My doctor told me I was starting to get high cholesterol. And that started to scare me.

(Kirt at a summer party in 2007.)

Then one day when I was with my family, my Uncle Dan said, “Kirt, how about this summer you come live with me and I’ll change your whole life”. I thought, “Finally, someone is going help me big time”.

Just my uncle offering to help me with my problem inspired me to take those first couple steps in the very beginning (and knowing how awesome I was going to look when school started!)

(Kirt in May of 2008 when Dan said he would help him.)
(Kirt in July 2008 2 weeks into when he came to stay with us.)

(Kirt in August after 6 weeks with us.)
(Kirt in October with his “school dance outfit” see 2nd pic above.)

My results were incredible! I knew I was going do well, but I didn’t think I was going to do THIS good! Back in the beginning, I was 245 pounds on July 9th. I now weigh …..187 pounds! I lost 56.7 pounds. I lost 10% body fat. I was 40%, now I am 30%. I lost 9 inches off my chest and 12 off my waist!!!! I was a size 42 pants, now I’m a 34!

(Kirt with his pants and shirt that he wore in the beginning.)

I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooo great about my results. Now I can shop for cloths in the mall and not have to worry if they don’t have a 3 or 4 X shirt. Or size 42 waist pants. I don’t have to special order the biggest cloths anymore. My friends are so proud of me that I lost all my weight. They think I look outstanding. Even people in school say “Kirt, Oh my God, you look amazing. You lost maddd weight!!!” and I said “Yeah I have! And I never felt better!!” Even my teachers I had last year and this year think I look amazing. One of my teachers wanted to know what I went on so she could lose weight too! Its just such a great feeling knowing I can go to school and fit in the desks. Now I fit in them and can put my head down all the way on the desk (because before I couldn’t do that because my stomach was in the way).

(Recent picture of Kirt.)

It means so much that I changed my life. I went from being the “fat kid” playing Xbox all night and eating, to being normal like mostly every one else. Now I can say “I go to the gym everyday” like some of the people say on TV. Having nobody pick on me because now there afraid of my muscularness. And being able to have fun and not worry about my weight or my stomach holding me back! In such a short time my life has changed completely around and I love it. Thank you Market America and Transitions. Thanks to all my friends who supported me. And thanks to Uncle Dan and Aunt Raquel for changing my whole life around!!!!!!!!!!!!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.The results described in these testimonials may not be typical. Individual results may vary. The persons sharing their stories are Independent Distributors of Market America products.