TLS® Weight Loss Success Story: Bruce Bowen

After a 30-year struggle with his weight, Bruce Bowen was informed by doctors that he was morbidly obese. As a result, he decided to try TLS® Weight Loss Solution to lose weight and ultimately improve his health. Amazingly, Bruce dropped over 50 pounds in just 45 days! Read on to discover how TLS has helped Bruce lose nearly 200 pounds, to date.

Bruce Bowen before his weight loss.

1. How much weight did you lose with TLS Weight Loss Solution?

I’ve lost 175 pounds, to date.

2. What was the most difficult part of your weight loss journey?

Getting myself in the right mindset [was the most difficult part]. I have tried so many different programs and failed. I was very skeptical that this was going to be another epic failure. Learning how to eat correctly and making smart choices was hard in the beginning.

3. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about weight loss?

I learned that being obese and fat is a choice. I learned that the way you eat affects your mind and body in so many ways. It affects you mentally and physically. The TLS lifestyle has changed my life forever.

4.  What is the most rewarding thing about losing weight?

The rewards are many when you lose weight. One of the rewards for me was the first time I got on a plane in almost 15 year and I didn’t have to ask for a belt extender. Another reward was walking into a restaurant and being able to sit at a booth.  I could keep going, but the biggest and most rewarding thing is that I can truthfully say TLS saved my life. I got very sick in 2012 and the doctors told me that if I had not lost weight I would have died. I’m so thankful for TLS.

5. What advice can you give to people who are currently working toward their weight loss goals with TLS?

For people that are working towards their weight loss goals, don’t give up. Keep pushing forward. TLS has a plan to follow that works. Listen to what your TLS coach and your body is telling you. The only one stopping you from achieving your goals is you. Get out of your own way and lead the healthy happy life that is ahead of you.
