Q&A: Meet Susan Pasqual, Director of TLS® Field Development & Sales

This weekend, we’re incredibly excited to kick off the 2014 ma® University Orientation and Product Symposium in Long Beach, CA. The three-day seminar will not only introduce in-depth product information and an overview of the ma University to UnFranchise® Business Owners (UFOs), but also new faces – such as our new Director of TLS® Weight Loss Solution Field Development & Sales, Susan Pasqual! Read on to learn more about the newest addition to our health and nutrition team!

1) How did you develop a passion for health and nutrition?

I have always been an active person and have always tried to incorporate healthy, fresh eating and exercise into my life. I grew up playing sports; even played at a collegiate level.  Then, I got certified as a group fitness instructor, and was a national level fitness and figure competitor.  I think I always wanted to work in healthcare, but honestly did not know what that meant or how to make a career in it.

After graduating from college in 1997, I decided to go right back to school to become a registered nurse to be able to make an impact on people’s health.  Practicing as a RN, I found that it was hard to impact their health, while they were acutely sick.  I worked with critically ill people who had diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, cancer and many other diseases.  These people were on so many prescription medications that I would spend over an hour in one patients’ hospital room administering IV medications, oral medications and trying to help them feel better while educating them on their illness.

I always knew there was a link between these diseases, food and lifestyle, but there just was never time, or follow-ups in place, to discuss preventative care with them. So, I decided to go back to school and got my master’s degree in adult health nursing with a focus as a Clinical Nurse Specialist to work in research and education to be able to develop and impact healthcare.

2) What inspired you to become a TLS® Coach in 2008?

Unfortunately, even with a master’s degree, I was still working with disease.  It was impossible to avoid.  Then, in 2008 – after hearing and following Transitions Lifestyle system – as it was called back then – I decided to partner up with Market America and start coaching.

I truthfully did not know much about the business part, but believed in the science and layout of TLS®.  I knew that I felt comfortable putting my licenses behind this program.  Looking back, I always adopted tips, journals, recipes, and ideas from other programs to help my friends and family who asked for weight loss or nutrition tips.  So often, people would encourage me to start up a small business because they saw my passion around health and fitness, but I never had the money, resources, or knew where or how to begin.

For me, Market America had all the tools for me to work in an industry that I loved and with those tools, I was able to compete with all the big-named companies with lots of money. I knew what would set me apart from the others was the education, accountability, science and coaching that TLS offered.

I still feel the same way about TLS today as I did years ago.  We are the best weight-loss program out there…hands down.

3) You’ve achieved a great deal of success as an UnFranchise® Owner! What are your goals in your new role with TLS?

When I first started coaching, that was all I wanted to do. Then, when I attended business training, something clicked, and I finally understood what leveraging my time meant.  Unfortunately, it took me a couple of years to “see the light”, but am grateful that I started business building.

My goals in this new role is to help the field “see the light” when they first begin, and not wait years like I did.  By leveraging our time and helping new coaches and UnFranchise Owners help their clients, new coaches and partners, I hope to make TLS a household name.

There is no other program out there and we need to shout it out there loudly! By having TLS Day 1 & 2 trainings across the country, and opening Day 1 to guests, anyone – whether it is a Coach majoring in TLS, or an UnFranchise Owner who is not majoring in TLS – can plug their clients, friends, family and customers, into these trainings.

It is also really important for every UnFranchise Owner to know that they do not have to become a Certified TLS Coach work with TLS or to help people in their community.  By simply inviting them to a Day 1 training, sending them information on a product that can help impact their weight loss goals, simply having them purchase the TLS Health Guide & Journal or subscribing to TLSslim.com, they can work with TLS, impact their business and help someone.

4) What are you most looking forward to at this weekend’s Product Symposium?

Living in Rhode Island, I am excited to meet so many people attending the training on the west coast.  Being in this new role, I am blessed and humbled to be able to meet and work with some great leaders and leaders in-the-making.  Our National Meeting Training Seminar Session has so many trainings offered to empower people to better educate themselves, and since we are built on product and powered by people, what better training to attend than a product symposium with so many people eager to learn?

This weekend is packed with useful information that not only solidifies we have the best products out there, but that we also have science to back up all of the ingredients

5) Is there anything else you would like to share?

I just want to reiterate that any UnFranchise Owner can take advantage of building customer acquisition through the TLS Weight Loss Solution line. TLS offers results because it is a comprehensive, customizable program. With the components that TLS offers, such as the products, journal and TLSslim.com, we can all help people achieve a healthier lifestyle.

If you have a question you would like to ask Susan, feel free to leave it in the comment section below! For more information regarding the 2014 ma® University Orientation and Product Symposium, click here.
