Social Media Monday: Tips from Around the Web for UnFranchise Owners

Today we’re sharing social media tips from around the web that are perfect for UnFranchsie Owners! From easy-to-follow instructions for utilizing a tool like Twitter Advanced Search to helpful advice for making the most out of Facebook Groups, we’ve scoured the web for tips UnFranchise Owners can benefit from the most. Are you ready to see what they are?

How to use Twitter Advanced Search Queries for Leads

This is right up your ally UnFranchise Owners! If you’re not using Twitter’s Advanced Search feature, you should be, and here’s why: Twitter Advanced Search allows you to narrow your search to hone in on the people who are looking for a product like yours, talking about a competitor or competing brand’s products, or even individuals who live near you that are looking for new business opportunities. The perfect tool for an UnFranchise Owner using social media to recruit prospects and retail products!

How to use Facebook Groups to Build Your Business

Using Facebook to build your business? Make sure that joining Facebook Groups is party of your game plan! But wait –simply joining a Facebook group doesn’t mean you’re on your way to building your business with this Facebook feature! “To build a solid reputation and real relationships, your goal should not be to sell or promote, but to be helpful. Focus on being of service by asking and answering questions and engaging with other group members. These activities result in relationships and connections that turn into sales, referrals and partnerships for your business.”

Read the rest of the tips in this article here.

7 Essential Free Tools for Social Media Design

Ever come across an eye-catching graphic or photo posted on a brand’s social media page and wished you could make something like that, too? While big brands often have creative and designs team at their disposal, creating aesthetically appealing visual content to share on your social media pages doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. As a matter of fact, there are tons of free and easy-to-use design tools on the web – you just have to know where to look! In this article, you’ll find descriptions of some of the top free tools and links to each. One of our favorites? Pixlr, which you can use to resize images, edit the color saturation and temperature of photos, or make a fun collage out pics you took at a recent event. Check out the tools (and give a few a try!) here.

LinkedIn’s New Profile Design Takes a Hint from Facebook and Twitter

Did you hear? LinkedIn is getting a facelift! According to this article published on Mashable, the new look will include a larger profile photo and a customizable header (similar to a cover photo) that spans the width of the screen. For now, the new design is only available o Premium Members (boo!), but the rest of us can expect to get the new look in a few months.

Why this matters to you: Now, more than ever, having a quality profile photo is so important! The new design places your photo front and center, so make sure it’s a good one!

Check out the new design and see how you can make the most of it here.

These are some of our favorite social media tips, tricks and advice from around the web, but we want to hear yours! Share them with us in the comment section below.
