Introducing the New Market America Coupon Code Program

There are few better ways to entice buyers than by offering a discount. Discounts appeal universally to new and existing customers, and there’s no catch to taking advantage of it. Even better is a coupon code. Rather than just a promotional price, a coupon code feels like a “special” discount — available only to those lucky enough to know the code. Market America | SHOP.COM is proud to announce a new coupon code program available to all UnFranchise® Owners on their SHOP.COM or site. It’s an easy-to-use, free and foolproof way to entice customers to buy from you, and it’s live now!

With this program, Market America will supply all UnFranchise Owners with a discount code, and available date range for their web site. The coupon code is customizable within each UnFranchise Owners’ UnFranchise Business Account — the UnFranchise Owner can select to have the discount active on one or more of their sites, as well as the desired date range that the code will be active (select either the full date range allotted by Market America or customize a different start/end date within that range). The UnFranchise Owner can also elect to run the discount several times within the time frame. The UnFranchise Owner funds the discount from retail profit, but this is an investment well worth making as it will very likely lead to repeat purchases.

Coupon codes are a no-pressure way to promote the fantastic products available on your SHOP.COM and sites. All you have to do is get the word out! Share the codes on social media, offer the code to a special customer, or entice a new customer as an exclusive introductory offer — the choice is yours.

The first coupon code available today in your UnFranchise Business Account is “10OFFMA.” This will enable you to give a 10% discount off ALL Market America products on your websites. You can elect to use this coupon code by going to the Coupon Admin Tool within your UnFranchise Business Account. U.S., Canada and Mexico UnFranchise Owners can find this under the ‘My Customers’ menu. All other countries will find the tool within the “Preferred Customers” menu.

This game-changing program is live today, so spread the word!
