The eyes are the window to the soul

Did you know that long-term unprotected sunlight exposure to your eyes is just one of the many causes of eye disease? Have you ever heard the myth that “sitting to close to the TV will hurt your eyes”? How about the saying “a carrot a day keeps the eye doctor away”? Eye disease does not discriminate either – it can affect any color, race, or sex.

According to the Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. here are some general facts:

*100,000,000 Americans are visually disabled without corrective lenses
*80,000,000 suffer from potentially blinding eye diseases.
*34,000,000 visits are made to doctors for eye care each year.
*6,400,000 new cases of eye disease occur each year.
*5,500,000 have vision obstructed by cataract.
*10,000,000 people have above normal intraocular pressure that may lead to glaucoma.
*21,000,000 Americans (1/3 of those over age 50) are at risk of developing Age Related Macular Degeneration.

The eye is a very complex organ. The macula, located in the middle of the retina behind the iris and pupil, contains photoreceptor cells that take in light and converts it into electrical impulses that are sent to the brain to be arranged and defined as a visual image. When cell damage accumulates from free radical attacks on these sensitive cells, the macula deteriorates and vision can be compromised.

Many of the ingredients found in Isotonix® Vision Formula with Lutein, when added to a balanced diet and exercise routine, can support good vision as we age. Each ingredient was carefully chosen to bolster a strong antioxidant defense system and provide the eyes with nutrients crucial for visual function.

Beta-carotene is crucial for vision health because it converts into retinol which participates in the vision cycle, allowing impulses to be sent to your brain to see light. Vitamin C is an antioxidant present in high concentrations in the aqueous and vitreous humors of the eye. Vitamin E is a membrane-soluble antioxidant that contributes to blood vessel integrity. Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids that are concentrated in the macula and serve to protect it from free radical damage and help build macular pigment density, a critical factor in the health of the macula and retina in relation to the clarity of the lens. Bilberry is a powerful antioxidant and improves night vision. Eyebright is a plant used for centuries to stem eye inflammation. These are just a few of the quality ingredients that make Isotonix Vision Formula with Lutein (code 13042) a superior, well-rounded eye health formula. Grow your business and support your visual health today with Isotonix Vision Formula with Lutein.
