Product Spotlight: Isotonix® Bromelain Plus

Your body needs support on the inside just as much as it does on the outside. That’s why we’ve developed Isotonix® Bromelain Plus! This unique formula helps to support your body, letting you take action to help your body face what life puts in front of you. There are many unique benefits of this powerful formula that go beyond the scope of normal healthy supplements. Read on to learn all that you need to know about Isotonix® Bromelain Plus!

With its unique combination of bromelain, white willow bark and protease, Isotonix Bromelain Plus promotes your body’s immune system and inflammatory response, helping support the body’s normal ability to heal itself on a cellular and muscular level.*

Inside our bodies, certain cells normally detected by the immune system “disguise” themselves from the immune system using a protein layer as a shield. Thanks to its unique formula, Isotonix Bromelain Plus helps support your body’s ability to engage in “cellular house cleaning,” breaking down that protein layer to support your immune system, offering superior cellular protection.*

Isotonix Bromelain Plus also works synergistically with the body’s own repair system, promoting the body’s normal healing process.* Even though there are several bromelain products on the market, only Isotonix Bromelain Plus delivers this powerful package ingredients in an isotonic delivery form.

By offering this product in an isotonic solution, the body has less work to do in achieving maximum absorption. In comparison to tablets or capsules, Isotonix Bromelain Plus is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.

Isotonix Bromelain Plus also supports your body’s normal inflammatory response, and normal tissue recovery and repair. It also has the potential to support the body’s healthy inflammatory response, providing beneficial enzymes that help support your tissue health.*

Most competitor products containing bromelain don’t match what you’ll find in Isotonix Bromelain Plus, nor do they contain the complementary ingredient white willow bark. In addition, Isotonix Bromelain Plus delivers these ingredients in an isotonic form, meaning you’re getting a fast-absorbing, superior delivered product that works quickly and effectively.*

Support your body in facing what life puts in its way. Isotonix Bromelain Plus is for everybody, every day!

Is this unique formula a part of your daily Isotonix® routine? Comment below and share your thoughts with us – we want to know what Isotonix Bromelain Plus does for you!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
