Social Media Monday: Got 60 Seconds for Twitter?

There’s no doubt about it: UnFranchise Owners are extremely busy people. Between building a business, balancing family life, and even maintaining a 9-5 job, finding extra time for social media seems next to impossible. But what if we told you that building and maintaining your social media presence can be done in as little as 60 seconds? Yes, it’s true – and today, we’re sharing 6 things you can do in a minute or less to build your Twitter presence.

Engage with others: Retweet someone else’s tweet

Scroll through your newsfeed; does anything catch your eye? Whether it’s a photo, video, or link to an interesting article, retweeting is a great way to build connections and establish your presence on Twitter. There’s nothing better than receiving a retweet notification (“someone liked what I had to say – awesome!”), so don’t be afraid to show others that you appreciate what they post by clicking “retweet.”

If you don’t find anything worth retweeting in your newsfeed, perform the quick keyword search detailed above. Retweeting people you don’t already follow is another way to engage with others and expand your network!

Helpful Tip: When you click retweet on your mobile app, you have the option of retweeting the tweet as-is, or adding a comment to it. If there’s enough space to add a comment, by all means, do so! This shows that you are even more engaged in your network and interested in what others have to say.

Expand your network: Find and follow someone new using Twitter Search

Finding and following users who tweet content that is relevant to you, your business, and areas of expertise is all part of building your Twitter network. To identify individuals you might want to follow, simply enter a few keywords into the search bar. Your search results will appear on the next page, where you have the option to select to view “People” “Photos” “News” etc (see example on left). Select “People” to view users with bios that contain the keywords you searched, and scroll through the list until you see someone with a bio that catches your eye. Click on their profile, and if you like what you see, follow them!

Helpful tip: You also have the option of selecting “News” to view recent tweets containing your keywords. When you see a tweet that you like, click on the user’s profile to see what they tweet about. And again, if you like what you see, click “follow.”

Reach out and share your thoughts: Respond to a tweet by @mentioning them directly

When you see a tweet that “speaks” to you, don’t be shy – respond to the person who shared it with a @mention! For example: someone shared an inspiring quote about being an entrepreneur that you liked. Click “reply” and type out a quick tweet to them letting them know how much you liked the quote. For example, “@TwitterUsername Love this quote! Thanks for sharing; it was just what I needed today!” Click send, and you’re done!

Helpful tip: when you begin a tweet with @username, the only people who will see the tweet are: you, the person @mentioned, and other users who follow you and the person @mentioned. To ensure that your followers who don’t follow the user you’re responding to see the tweet, simply add a period before the @ symbol, like so: .@marketameirca.

Get visual: Tweet a photo that tells your followers a little bit more about who you are

Whether you’re at an event like MAIC 2014, hosting a Motives® Party, or simply mixing up your morning Isotonix® Cocktail, take a moment to snap a quick pic, add a short caption and tweet it out to your followers!

Helpful tip: Focus on tweeting photos that help depict who you are, what you do, and what matters most to you. If its yoga that you’re passionate about, tweet a photo of you in your most zenned-out yoga pose. If you’re wild about makeup, snap a photo of your favorite Motives® products and share them with the Twitter-verse.

Spread the news: Share an article that is relevant to your industry and personal brand

When you read an article, blog post or news story online that you liked, what do you do with it after you’re done? Rather than just hitting “x” on your browser tab, take a few seconds to share it with your followers. This can be done by clicking the Twitter icon located on the article itself, or, if there are no social-sharing buttons, copy and paste the link into the “compose new Tweet” text box on Twitter, add a short description, and click send!

Helpful tip: Long links take up valuable space and make tweets look cluttered. Take an extra 10 seconds to shorten your links using Bitly, a free link-shortening website. Simply copy the link, paste it into the text box at the top of Bitly’s home page and click shorten. Bitly will then provide you with a shorter (much more organized-looking) link, which you can copy and paste into your tweet.

Put your best face forward: Upload a new profile photo

When was the last time you updated your profile photo? If you can’t remember, or if your photo is grainy or blurred, it’s time to upload a new one. Profile photos are an essential part of your profile; people want to see your face, read your bio, and feel like they know a little bit about you before they follow you. Putting your best face forward is a must, so find a photo you like (minimum of 400×400 pixles), click “edit profile” and upload it as your new profile pic. Voilà!

Helpful tip: No photo? No problem! Put on a nice outfit, grab a friend, and ask them to take a few shots of you in front of a neutral background in natural light. While this will take longer than 60 seconds, it’s worth your time – promise! And once you’re done, you’ll have a great profile photo you can use on all your social media channels (which is a definite social media do!).

These are our quick 60-second Twitter tips, but we want to hear yours, too! Share them with us by posting in the comment section below. 
