New Year, New Goals

It’s hard to believe that 2009 is here! I’m sure it will fly by just like 2008 did. Of course, with every year comes new adventures, new goals and new challenges. Personally, my new adventure in 2009 is that I am getting married! I am very excited about it but it certainly brings new goals and challenges! My primary goals as I plan for my wedding are to take care of myself and maintain my sanity. There are a few Market America products that I’ve come to rely on to reach my goals:

    1. Bliss Anti-Stress Formula – This is one of my favorite products. Bliss helps me stay calm and relaxed even in the most stressful situations. Even my fiance and some of his friends have started taking Bliss! It will be a critical element over the next 9 months until my wedding.


  • Prime Dreamz – Everyone that I work with knows that I am a huge fan of Prime Dreamz. I’ve always had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep and now my mind races every night with to-do lists, daydreaming about my special day, you name it! Prime Dreamz helps me fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up ready to face the day.



  • OPC-3 Beauty Blend – Need I say more? Beautiful hair, skin and nails are absolutely essential!!



  • Advanced Level 90 – I will confess that when I am stressed (ok, even when I’m not), I crave sugar. I’m a sweets girl. However, I want to lose weight before my wedding and giving in to my sweet tooth isn’t going to help me do that. Fortunately, Advanced Level 90 helps reduce sugar cravings and that is just what I need to help me stay on track.


So, that is what is in my bag of tricks to help me with my 2009 goals. How about you? Do you have goals that Market America products help you reach? I’d love to hear from you!
